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[Eng. Prayer] Don’t forget the Christians in West Africa who are suffering’ – a spotlight on West Africa

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

Our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

[Jan.31.2022] As Open Doors, a mission organization warns of the “Talibanisation” of West Africa, Christian Today speaks to the organization’s senior analyst Illia Djadi on freedom of religion and belief in sub-Saharan Africa, and about the threat to Christians in the region.

The senior analyst Illia said that West Africa has become the new epicenter of international jihadism – especially around Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso. Islamic extremists are taking advantage of the fragility of these states – the absence of the state and good governance, poverty, their porous borders, a lack of education, and so on – and they are using these to divide the countries along ethnic and religious lines.

In Burkina Faso, for example, there is a dramatic humanitarian crisis with around 1.5 million people internally displaced, 3,000 schools closed, and around half a million children out of education.

Illia said that Christians are the primary targets of the extremists because the extremists want to establish a caliphate and Islamic republic and the jihadists are also targeting moderate Muslims.

The Christian population has dwindled in Northern Burkina Faso. Some have been killed, others have been forced to flee. Churches and schools have all been closed.

She added that the international community needs to pay more attention to the complexity and scale of the violence in West Africa as it is not getting the attention it deserves. She expressed her concern that all the attention is on things that is happening in Afghanistan leaving West Africa to be forgotten.

The international community needs to help to sustain good governance in these countries and there needs to be a holistic response as the military response has failed. There also needs to be social and economic development, more schools, and more jobs.

The international community should also support faith-based organizations and churches because they have provided social care and assistance to people in need but now because of the violence, they are overwhelmed and have also become victims and they are unable to provide this assistance. The international community should help them so that they can continue to carry out the good work they were doing for many years in providing support for people in need.

She requested to continue to pray for Christians in West Africa and the Sahel region saying, “Don’t forget us. Christians here are suffering. Pray for protection and for the Church and Church leaders to stand firm in the midst of the violence, persecution, and killing.”

Christians in the UK can also take action to support organizations like Open Doors and ask their MPs to put pressure on the UK government to support countries in West Africa. The UK government is a key player and can use the influence it has to support the Church, Christians, and faith-based organizations. (Source: Christian News Edited. Christian Today)

Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. (Romans 8:17-18)

Father God, we pray for the believers in West Africa and the Sahel region to see the glory that will be revealed in them in the midst of violence and persecution as the regions are becoming the new epicenter of jihadism. Please move the hearts of the international community and government officials from all over the world so that the needs of thousands of refugees and starving children will be fulfilled. Moreover, please let the churches of all nations as one body remember and participate in their suffering with prayers so that they may share the glory of the heirs.

Prayer 24·365

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