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[Eng. Prayer] India, BJP Won Key Parliamentary elections …Christians fear rise in persecution

▲ 출처: 유튜브 채널 WION 영상 캡처

“I will grant salvation to Zion, my splendour to Israel”

[Mar.14.2022] India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won key parliamentary elections with a big majority two years ahead of the next general election.

Attention was focused on Uttar Pradesh’s vote result. Uttar Pradesh, with 403 seats, is considered one of the key regions in India’s political landscape.

The BJP, which is also in power in Uttar Pradesh, has either confirmed victories in 273 regional districts or is on the verge of victory.

Based on this atmosphere, the Modi government has greatly increased the chances of winning the 2024 general election, local media analysed.

However, some fear that the BJP’s election victory in Uttar Pradesh could strengthen Hindu nationalist tendencies and increase repression on minority groups such as Muslims.

Uttar Pradesh is considered to be at the forefront of enacting the ‘Prohibition of Forced Conversion Act’. The law was reportedly introduced to prevent non-Hindu men from attempting to forcibly convert Hindu women through marriage.

In Uttar Pradesh, violence by ‘cow vigilantes’ is also surging.

Cow vigilantes are an organization of conservative Hindus who deify cows. They are said to be carrying out radical acts, such as monitoring cattle slaughter and sometimes killing even cattle carriers as targets for attack.

Modi’s government also has been criticized for strengthening the oppression of minority groups, including Muslims and Christians, by amending the Citizenship Act after coming to power in 2014 and stripping Indian Kashmir special positions.(Source: Yeonhap News Edited).

I am bringing my righteousness near; it is not far away; and my salvation will not be delayed. I will grant salvation to Zion, my splendour to Israel.(Isaiah 46:13)

Father God, we proclaim that India belongs to the LORD even the BJP, which oppresses minority religions, wins state parliamentary elections, and is creating fears for the safety of the church. Reveal the LORD’s justice to the politicians and rebuke those who rule with fear in the name of nationalism. With Your grace help them realise that governance belongs to the LORD and turn them away from their ways. Please watch over the persecuted churches so that they may preach God’s salvation and longstanding idolatry will be cut off on this land. Let the souls created in the glory of the LORD have life.

Prayer 24·365

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