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[Eng. Prayer] World Food Program, South Sudan Witnessing Worst Food Crisis Ever

▲ 출처: 유튜브 채널 Médecins Sans Frontières 영상 캡처

“LORD, have mercy on me and come quickly to save me”

[Mar.20.2022] According to U.N, South Sudan is experiencing the worst famine crisis to date.

U.N World Food Program’s spokesperson Marwa Awad, who is in charge of foreign affairs in South Sudan, said an estimated 8.3 million people in South Sudan will face extreme hunger in the coming months as food provisions are depleted.

She added, “We are seeing people’s resilience fading in the face of the ongoing civil war, the floods, and rising food prices. “

Awad said South Sudan forms part of a ‘ring of fire’ encircling the globe where climate shocks, conflict, the pandemic, and rising prices are driving millions of people closer to starvation.

The WFP has programs to build people’s resilience and restore their livelihoods, Awad said, ‘but we need the funding to scale up and reach more people.

The WFP last year announced it would suspend food assistance for more than 100,000 displaced people in areas of South Sudan as part of what it called a prioritization exercise driven by funding shortages.

Adeyinka Badejo, WFP’s South Sudan deputy country director said last week, “The impact of the climate crisis and ongoing regional conflict has led to large scale displacement, the destruction of arable land and crops, as well as rising food prices(Source: VOA Korea).

Do not withhold your mercy from me, LORD; may your love and faithfulness always protect me. For troubles without number surround me; my sins have overtaken me, and I cannot see. They are more than the hairs of my head, and my heart fails within me. Be pleased to save me LORD; come quickly, LORD, to help me.(Psalms 40:11-13)

Dear God, we pray for the difficulties faced by the people of South Sudan as well as the people who are living in the ‘ring of fire.’ They are unable to recover from numerous disasters like conflicts, floods, and food depletion. It is predicted that tens of thousands of people will be starving in the coming years, but please do not withdraw Your compassion for those who do not have any way forward. Please open the way to live for them by providing the necessary financial resources. Pray that they may not only be delivered from poverty and need but also by the grace of the cross may their souls be saved.

Prayer 24·365

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