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[Eng. Prayer] ’37 Years in Power’ Hun Sen Affirms Succession of Power

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“The greedy stir up conflict but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe”

[Apr.03.2022] Cambodian Prime Minister, Hun Sen, reaffirmed his will of the succession of power. 

Prime Minister Hun Sen said in an event held in the capital city, Phnom Penh, “My older son Hun Manet is ready to succeed my position of Prime Mister at any time,” the Khmer Times reported on April 1. 

He will continue to stand for the next year’s National Election as a Prime Minister candidate and his son is a ‘reserved candidate’. He hinted that the reserved candidate is a precaution to avoid any eventual problems after the election. 

Hun Sen said, “If suddenly I am gone, who will continue? Reserving the next generation is something one must prepare for, otherwise, a crisis will occur.“ 

In a speech in Sihanoukville on December 2, last year, Hun Sen officialized the hand over of power by saying, “I support my son to become Prime Minister, and this must be done through an election.” 

Then on the 24th of the same month, the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) unanimously nominated Hun Manet as the ‘future Prime Minister candidate’ and supported the succession of power. The CPP has been in power since 1979. 

Hun Manet, who is serving as the deputy commander of the Cambodian army and a member of the CPP Central Standing Committee, graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point in 1999 and holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Bristol, UK.

Cambodia will hold general elections next year. After taking office in January 1985, Hun Sen ruled Cambodia for 37 years, suppressing opposition parties and becoming the target of criticism from Western countries and human rights groups. 

In November 2017, the Cambodia Rescue Party (CNRP), the largest opposition party with 55 out of 125 seats, was forcibly disbanded on charges of treason. In the following year’s general election, Hun Sen won all 125 seats, establishing a ‘one-party dictatorship’ system(Source: Yeonhap News).

The greedy stir up conflict, but those who trust in the Lord will prosper. Those who trust in themselves are fools, but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe.(Proverb 28:25-26)

Dear God, please rebuke the greediness of the Prime Minister of Cambodia who is preparing the succession of power to his son after 37 years of dictatorship. May You rebuke those who oppress the opponents and cause strife with truth and help them depart from the foolish path of doing what their hearts desire. May the people of Cambodia who have been under the dictatorship long for justice and righteousness and may You have mercy on this land, so that Your reign and salvation will come to pass.

Prayer 24·365

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