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[Eng. Prayer] Is British still a Christian country? Only 6% of Brits ‘Practical Christians”

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season”

[May.09.2022] Only 6% of adults in the United Kingdom identify as practicing Christians, while 42% say they are non-practicing Christians, according to the findings of a recent survey. And one in three non-Christians says they want to know more about Jesus Christ.

According to Christian Post US, the survey, which was conducted by Talking Jesus, of more than 3,000 U.K. adults, commissioned by five Christian organizations, also found that as many as 70% of those who identify as Christians are white Brits, who represent 83% of the U.K.’s adult population.

And 25% of those who identify as Christians are ethnic minorities, although they represent only 12% of the U.K.’s adult population. Among the respondents, 4% identified themselves as agnostics, and 12% as atheists.

“In 2015, 68% of non-Christians in the U.K. said they knew someone who was an active or practicing Christian, but in 2022, that has fallen to 53%,” Premier Christian News said.

The Talking Jesus survey is conducted every five years to help leaders grow the Church and adapt mission strategies although the previous survey was seven years ago because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

”It’s a significant drop that shows that our reach has diminished, and we’ve got less contact,” Rachel Jordan-Wolf, executive director of ‘Hope Together’, a group involved in the research, was quoted as saying.

“There are more non-Christians who don’t know an active or practicing Christian. So that’s something really to watch. It could be because of the pandemic, as we’ve all not been out and about as much. But these are often significant relationships, so someone they call a friend or family member,” she added.

The study also showed that a quarter of the British describes Jesus as a ‘normal human being,’ and 33% as a prophet or spiritual leader, and not God.

However, while only 6% of British people identify as Christian, the survey revealed that 45% of people believe in the Resurrection of Jesus, and 20% believe He is the Son of God. And, one in three non-Christians wanted to know more about Jesus Christ after a conversation with a Christian, according to the survey.

“It is so encouraging. In 2015, it was one in five,” Jordan-Wolf said. “I wonder if the pandemic and a slightly more wobbly world when people don’t know what’s happening, has made people more interested in faith, but it makes this an even more important moment for us to talk about our faith.(Source: Christian Today)

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction.(Timothy 4:2)

Father God, please have mercy on the church of the U.K. where there are few practicing Christians, and make their faith alive. We pray for the believers who may have been intimidated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Please give them the thirst for Your presence and stand again before the gospel and share with their neighbors the truth that has become a reality in their lives. And help the church to preach the gospel to those who live in unrest without knowing Jesus, in season or out of season so that the blessing of new life that obeys Your Word may overflow.

Prayer 24·365

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