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[Eng. Prayer] ‘Atheism’ spreads among Arab youths… An opportunity to spread the gospel?

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Return to me, the nations will invoke blessings by me.”

[Jun.28.2022] The African Future Society (President: Hoon-Tae Jang) held the regular first half of the year academic conference online on the 17th. The day’s conference, under the theme of ‘African Society and Religion’, looked at the characteristics of Africa and shared the phenomenon of atheism among young Muslims in the Middle East, and predicted changes in a future mission.

First, the spread of atheism among Arabic-speaking countries was discussed. Researcher Paul Lee (Asin University Graduate School of Missions) said, “Unprecedented and surprising phenomena have been occurring in Arab countries since the 2011 Arab Revolution.” It is an ‘atheism’ or de-Islamic phenomenon’ in which Muslims are skeptical of their Islamic beliefs and eventually leave Islam.

In the Muslim worldview, it is unthinkable to question or deny the existence of God. In Islam, the act of apostasy, or leaving Islam, is called “ridda” and the apostate is called “murtadd,” and the punishment for this is execution.

As a Muslim, it is not easy to imagine leaving the Islamic faith. What is the reason so many people have left Islam despite such strict punishment and harsh gaze? The researcher cited the issue of women’s rights as one of the reasons.

In February 2021, Kuwaiti singer Basma, who declared that she would leave Islam and adhere to Judaism, criticised Islam on her social media account, saying, “Islam despises, persecutes, and treats women mercilessly and does not recognise women’s rights.” The violence and anti-humanistic terrorism committed in the name of Islam by Militant groups, such as ISIS, also largely affected the thoughts of the people.

The phenomenon of atheism tends to spread, especially among the younger generation. According to the Alyom Assabaa newspaper in 2018, Egypt has the highest number of atheists among Arab countries, with an estimated 5 million or more atheists. It is also noted that most atheists are 20-25 years old.

Our concern is whether we can find mission implications in the rapidly spreading atheism phenomenon. The researcher said, “The Arab’s criticism of Islam in the 21st century mainly consists of criticism on internal matters of the natives. It is what arises from the desperate self-reflection and struggles for reform of Arab insiders,” he said.

It cannot be overlooked that the Internet revolution contributes to today’s atheism phenomenon. He said, “It is still difficult for missionaries to enter the Arab region, but online ministry transcends borders. In particular, it should be taken into account that Generation MZ has often become atheists due to the influence of the Internet. Some Korean missionaries are getting fruit from the Arab world through SNS.”(Source: Christian Union Newspaper Comprehensive).

“If you, Israel, will return, then return to me,” declares the Lord. If you put your detestable idols out of my sight and no longer go astray, and if in a truthful, just and righteous way you swear, ‘As surely as the Lord lives,’ then the nations will invoke blessings by him and in him they will boast.”(Jeremiah 4:1-2)

God, please open the doors for the churches to reach out to the young people who feel skeptical about the Islam religion so that the youngsters will hear the gospel and return to You. May Your Truth be preached to the young people who are continuing the de-Islamic phenomenon at a risk of facing many difficulties if they are found to be apostate. Also, we pray for missionaries and churches to use the Internet and social media channels to teach young people the truth, justice, and righteousness so that they can rejoice in the glory of God.

Prayer 24·365

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