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[Eng. Prayer] Indonesian Muslim Woman, Converted to Christianity through Worship Songs and Dreams

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“The Gentiles have obtained a righteousness and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame.”

[Jul.18.2022] US Christian Post introduced the story of Tari(alias), a recently converted Christian from West Indonesia.

”Not with gold or silver, You redeemed me with Your love and sacrifice.” It was words from a worship song, “As You Want.” This song sounded so familiar to me,” recalled Tari. “It was when I was in the first year at high school, then I remembered when I was a small kid, this song was performed during a TV show.”

Tari became more and more curious about the peace she was experiencing every time she heard these worship songs. She went online and looked up “Who is Isa al-Mashi (the name given to Jesus in the Kuran) in Christianity?” At the same time, she continued to ask God for direction on the ultimate right path while she faithfully carried out her religious duties as a Muslim.

Then one day, Tari had a dream. She found herself on a very long, almost endless road. She did not understand the meaning of the dream. But a few weeks later, the dream returned. This time, she heard the words, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” She had no idea what that meant.

“I couldn’t get those words out of my head. Finally, I searched it on Google and discovered that it alludes to John 14:6 in the Bible. I get goosebumps as I remember that moment,” she said. Then I learned that Jesus said that He is the way, the truth, and the life.

The chance to learn what this meant came when Tari was living away from her home. Her uncle, who is a Christian, started taking her to church. And She made her decision to follow Jesus.

“I was so happy that I became a believer. I purchased a cross necklace,” she said. God provided her with a mentor, who helped her to grow in faith.

Soon after her baptism, Tari decided to return home. She did not intend to tell anyone of her newfound faith but that quickly slipped after her friends saw her cross necklace.

Before Tari could explain herself, they pulled the necklace off her neck. “I was in pain, but I was not mad at them. I wanted to show them the love of Jesus,” she said. One of the girls also came to faith in Jesus later on.

Tari did not dare to tell her parents about her conversion to Christianity. While she was out of town, her mother found her baptism certificate. She called her immediately. Her mother could not accept that Tari had become a Christian. Tari was scared and sad feeling that she had somehow let down her mother. However, there was no turning back.

Local partners of the charity Open Doors are keeping in contact with Tari and supporting her through prayer and encouragement. Tari hopes that one day she will be able to see her mother and her family soon. But I am not ready to do that yet.” (Source: Christian Today Edited).

What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith. As it is written: “See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame.” (Romans 9:30,33)

Dear God, we praise the zeal of the LORD for leading a soul to salvation through worship songs and dreams. May You please raise more witnesses like Tari in Indonesia, who have obtained righteousness that is by faith, and use them to evangelize this land. We pray that the converted Muslims of this land will stand as a church that boldly preaches the gospel, relying on the promise that those who believe in You will not be put to shame despite the opposition of family and friends.

Prayer 24·365

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