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[Eng. Prayer]‘Mayflower’ Christians who fled China travel to Thailand after South Korea rejects asylum claims.

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

[Sep.15.2022]“Mayflower” Christians headed to Thailand to apply for asylum status after seeking asylum status in South Korea were denied multiple times.

According to the American Christian Post (CP), about 60 members of the Shenzhen Holy Reformed house church in China arrived in Jeju Island, South Korea, after escaping from Shenzhen City in southern China in 2019. However, the Gwangju High Court recently rejected the final asylum-seeking application of Chinese Christians.

According to a statement published on the 5th of September (local time) in The Wall Street Journal by Pan Yongguange, the church’s pastor, nearly 60 members were planning to visit the U.N. refugee office in Bangkok, Thailand’s capital, to submit applications for refugee status. Church members have expressed to U.S. diplomats their desires of seeking resettlement in the United States.

“We aren’t able to secure any residency status through legal processes in South Korea, and the U.S. also hasn’t resettled us,” the pastor stated. According to the media, a large number of members seeking asylum together is a very rare case and it is a testament to concerns about Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s handling of the freedom of religion.

Members of the congregation entered Thailand with their Chinese passports and appealed directly to the U.N. refugee agency. Some received tourist visas that are valid for 15 days, while others sought extensions on visas that were set to expire soon.

It is not known how long church members can stay in Bangkok. Most of them are concerned that they will be deported to China when their visas expire. In response, Pastor Pan said, “It’s dangerous, but it is an opportunity at the same time. “If we stated in Jeju Island, we wouldn’t have had any chance,” he said.

While Shenzhen church members could have stayed in Jeju, South Korea, while appealing their asylum claims, the process could take years and stood little chance of having their asylum claims granted, he said.

Recently, some in the congregation have reported receiving “harassing phone calls” from Chinese officials who claim the church is committing national security violation offenses, WSJ said.

The WSJ reported that while the church members were on Jeju Island, they received several threatening calls from Chinese officials claiming “violation of national security law,” and that Chinese authorities questioned the church members’ relatives.

In the past, Chinese authorities frequently persecuted the Shenzhen Reformed house church as illegal, which led to the escape of church members out of China at the end of 2019. In June 2021, church members wanted to resettle in the United States, but were not sure if their asylum applications would be accepted, the media said.

ChinaAid, an American group that monitors human rights violations in China, said, “Christians are living in small rental houses on Jeju Island and doing odd jobs.
“South Korea has refused asylum because of the Chinese Communist Party’s influence over East Asian countries,” the report said.” (Source: The Christian Daily Comprehensive).

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

God, may You protect and guide the Mayflower members who are waiting to apply for asylum in Thailand to escape persecution from the Chinese government. May the nations receive them and provide help for them in this critical time. Lord, please, strengthen the faith of the believers who are facing a crisis of deportation, and fill them with Your unshakable comfort and peace to endure their hardships. May the Chinese government, which oppresses religious freedom and persecutes the churches, turn away from the path of destruction and exercise justice.

Prayer 24·365

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