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[Eng. Prayer]Billions of Dollars of human organs are being transacted in Organ trading markets in the world

” Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them”

[Sep.23.2022]CBN News reported on the 15th that a huge number of transactions are being made in the so-called “Red Market,” which sells human organs that are uncountable into money around the world, and legal protections against organ harvest are being used in reverse for organ sales.

In the organ market, organs are traded for a total of $500,000 or more depending on age (28 years old fetch the highest), and in this era of wanting to live longer, human organs are popular goodst in the world, and transplantation has become easier, according to the media.

Known as the “Red Market,” this profitable underground economy is booming. Scott Carney, the author of The Red Market, said, “It is very difficult to estimate how much money is being traded in the human organ markets, but it will be worth billions or tens of billions of dollars.”

He said, “For example, if you talk to hospitals in America, they’ll say they don’t pay a penny for organ purchases. All organs are ‘gifts’, but organ transplants cost $1 million. So it’s an organ transplant service. They play this money game.”

Iran is the only country that is legal to buy and sell human organs. Other places require organ donation. But the black market, especially buying and selling “kidneys,” is widespread in developing countries where there are many poor people who are in desperate need of money.

Carney said, “It is still illegal to sell organs in India, but it is not prosecuted in reality because of the Medical Information Protection Act (HIPAA),” he added, “This is to protect recipients and donors, but it has also become a cover for criminals to operate secretly.”

The United States is officially a country that has more legal organ transplants than any other country in the world. Last year, more than 40,000 organ transplants were performed. China is by far the largest unofficial organ transplant country in the world. Experts believe that few organs have been donated and that they have been removed from either executed or living political prisoners.

Prisoners who were imprisoned in China said they thought they were getting a medical check-up, but in fact, their organ was checked.

A Uighur woman told a Chinese court, “We all had a full body scan once a month. I got this scan three times. They also took X-rays to check my lungs every month. I even asked, ‘Is it necessary to take an X-ray every month?’ But they said, ‘Shut up, you are not allowed to ask questions.’

China’s organ transplant industry is now attracting wealthy customers around the world. “It’s mainly aimed at Germans, Koreans, and Japanese,” Gutman said. “If you look at exactly how many numbers of people are moving, you can guess. It can only be said that many people go there from the Gulf states.” (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive)

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. Making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. (Ephesians 5:11, 16-17)

Lord, may You rebuke the wicked and foolish men who buy and sell human organs in rebellion against the Lord, the master of life, all over the world, and stop them from doing so. May the organ traders know that the Lord’s judgment is at hand and turn away from their wickedness with the fear of God and may You save those who are at the blink of organ extirpation. Let the church pray and tell the will of the Lord to those who participate in the work of darkness, so that they may be blessed with the fear of the Creator.

Prayer 24·365

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