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[Eng. Prayer] What Afghan refugees need for their self-reliance is education and jobs

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Through affliction, I learn Your decrees.”

[Oct.01.2022] Calamities bring more damage and hardship to the socially disadvantaged. The same is true of refugees Ezat Ulla Arman, 23, and Tabasum, 25, who fled their home country and move to the neighboring country Pakistan to escape the war.

“The refugees living here are fighting another big battle in the face of natural disasters,” said as they are going through the worst monsoon rains in Pakistan. “We desperately need global attention so that we, who are dreaming of a comeback, can stand up again.”

The state of Baluchistan in southwestern Pakistan, where they live, is the worst flood-stricken area. “Most of the houses were built of mud, so they were vulnerable to the rainy season,” Tabasum said. “The big problem is that people couldn’t have money to rebuild them.” Mr. Arman also said, “The wall of the house has completely collapsed, but as they don’t have money to repair it, the whole family is working to rebuild it.”

According to the UNHCR, 99 percent of the 1.3 million refugees who settled in Pakistan, or 1.29 million, came from Afghanistan. since the Taliban seized power in August last year and the situation became unstable, the number of Afghan refugees fleeing the country is expected to increase steadily in the future.

“Most of my family and friends in my home country have lost their jobs in the past year and are suffering from financial difficulties,” Arman said. “Especially for women, it has become difficult to find jobs and receive an education.” They cited that “education” and “job” are a necessity for the self-reliance of refugees.

Tabasum, a medical major at the Pakistan’s University of Balochistan for his dream of becoming a doctor, said, “For the future of my country, we need to ensure that all children have a high-quality education. Through education, we can find the meaning and purpose of life and have the ability to stand on our own feet.”

“I want to return as a doctor someday and help rebuild my country,” he said. “If that’s not possible, I’ll stay in Pakistan and work for the community.” They said that they want to become a contributor not only to their motherland but also to the development of the country they settled in. They say that refugees should not be regarded simply as beings who want to be helped.

“I will be a person who helps both Pakistan and my country,” Arman said. “I will return what I have received so far, especially to girls who need more care.”

Tabasum also vowed, “After I get my doctor’s degree, I want to work for all mankind,” adding, “I will spread the true value of education to others.” (Source: Yonhap News Comprehensive)

It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees. The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold. (Psalms 119:71-72)

God, pray that the Afghan refugees who moved to Pakistan to escape the civil war but are facing another hardship be comforted by the word of the Lord. May You open a channel to serve to those who want to find the meaning of life, and above all, guide them to find the true purpose of life through knowing God, the Creator. I pray they would seek the Lord out of broken spirits through many hardships and pray that they would confess that It was good for them to be afflicted as they learned Your decrees through it.

Prayer 24·365

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