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[Eng. Prayer]Yemen: six-month truce fails to extend further and ends

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“ The speech of the upright rescues people, and promotes peace.”

[Oct.05.2022]A six-month truce in Yemen ended on October 2nd (local time). The ceasefire between the government and the rebel Houthi army began in April and was extended twice, by two months each. But this time, the two sides could not agree on extending the ceasefire.

The United Nations (UN) special envoy to Yemen, Hans Grunberg, said in a statement, “We regret not being able to extend the ceasefire,” and urged both sides to “make every effort for the peace of the Yemeni people.”

Oxfam, an international aid and development organization, said at the news of the end of the ceasefire “put millions of Yemenis will face again the risk of bombing, missile strikes, and ground bombardment.”

The government, recognized by the international community, blamed the rebels for the failure to extend the ceasefire. Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak told local media, “We made many concessions and tried to continue the ceasefire, but Houthi acted against the interests of the Yemeni people.” The rebels have not yet expressed their position on ending the ceasefire.

The civil war between the government and the Houthi rebels began in 2014 and has been ongoing for eight years. It has since escalated into a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia in 2015. The two sides agreed to a two-month ceasefire on April 2 to mark Ramadan, the holy month of Islamic fasting. It was the first time in six years that a nationwide ceasefire agreement was reached in Yemen since 2016.

In June, commercial aircraft operated in Sanaa, the rebel-controlled capital, for the first time in six years. As of the end of last year, the UN estimated that 377,000 people have been killed, either directly or indirectly, since the civil war in Yemen began. (Source: Daily Good News)

The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood, but the speech of the upright rescues them. Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil, but those who promote peace have joy. (Proverbs 12: 6, 20)

God, pray You would stop evil quickly and rebuke Yemen’s government forces and rebels who fail to extend the ceasefire and are in conflict again. May You demolish Satan’s scheme of deceit, which entices each other to bleed without conceding an inch because of the greed of power, so that they can be those who feel sorry for the people and agree on peace. May the upright with the gospel wake up and pray so that the sins of this land are washed away, and the people who have been devastated by civil war enjoy the joy of salvation.

Prayer 24·365

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