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[Eng. Prayer] Closing churches in Africa… What is the Essence of a True Church

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

” where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

[Oct.24.2022] Oscar Amaechina, chairman of Nigeria-based Africa-Mission and Evangelism Network (AMEN), is drawing attention by presenting a “family church” as a new model for closing churches.

Pastor Amaechina said in a column, “Unfortunately, many pastors work hard to build a super-large church. The pastors who followed the gospel led churches off track by pursuing fame and wealth” he diagnosed.

“This deviation and abuse is the result of widespread ignorance of the Bible,” he said. “In the New Testament era, there was a group of saints who regularly held meetings at home instead of church buildings. The house churches were fellowship meetings organized in homes of believers.”

For example, he added, “One of them was the house of Aguila and Priscilla (1 Corinthians 16:19), the house of Philemon (Philemon 1-2), the house of Nymphas of Laodicea (Colossians 4:15), and the house of Mary, John’s mother (John 12:12).”

Citing Matthew 18:20, he pointed out, “This is the exact word of Christ that where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” He added, “many Christians today think that the only place to find Christ is a super-large church and that the church struggling with finance and attendance has been abandoned by Him.”

“If the pastors of thousands of churches that close every year understood the true nature of church, their churches would have survived and flourished in the love of Christ and revealed their presence amazingly,” Amaechina said. “How many of us will believe that the pastor who took two or three people to heaven has completed his ministry?”

He said, “what we are concerned about should be what to do with the few people God has given us to shepaerd. Are we preparing them for the life after their death? Or will we teach the secular principles of how to succeed on this earth?” he said. “Successful ministry is not about the size of the crowd, but its influence on humanity and the kingdom of God.”

“God does not see it the way people see it, so we should avoid using world standards when evaluating ministry,” he said. “Honest advice to true pastors who are struggling is to emulate early Christians.” In this way, many unnecessary setbacks can be avoided.

Finally, “True pastors should lead the people God trusted to them to heaven regardless of the size of a church. Any pastor who is loyal to this task and is convinced that he has obeyed without compromise can boldly say,’”I fought a good fight and kept my faith after completing my run (2 Timothy 4:7)’” as Apostle Paul did. (Source: Christian Daily Comprehensive).

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:19-20)

Thank you, God, for making us think again about the nature of the true church while many churches in Africa are closing. Pray that the exhortation of the evangelicals is heard by the church who cries and laughes according to the standards of worldly success so that they may return and know God and obey God’s will who is with those gathered in the name of the Lord. Also, we pray You would encourage with Your word those pastors who close churches in dismay so that they may complete the race of faith as good and loyal servants until the day the Lord returns.

Prayer 24·365

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