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[Eng. Prayer] Lebanon’s president leaves without replacement amid political, and economic crisis

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“The Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

[Nov.03.2022] Lebanon, which is experiencing the worst economic crisis in history, has been left without the President of the country as the process of electing a new president has been delayed. Lebanese President Michel Aoun left the presidential palace in Babda, south of Beirut, on the 30th (local time), a day before the end of his official six-year term.

President Aoun also accepted the resignation of the Cabinet led by Prime Minister Najib Mikati. The Caretaker government will be maintained until Congress elects the next president and the next government is formed under the leadership of the elected president.

The new parliament that launched through the general elections in May, began the process of selecting a president four months later late last month but has yet to elect a successor. Moreover, there is no political block on the floor that has secured enough seats to elect the president on its own, and no agreement has been made on the next presidential candidate between each political block.

Therefore, the de facto vacuum in state affairs may be prolonged. In Lebanon, even after former President Michel Suleiman stepped down in May 2014 after the end of his term, due to partisan conflicts, for more than two years, parliament failed to elect a president. Delaying political schedules, including the election of a president, could hurt Lebanon’s economy, which is suffering from the worst downturn ever.

Meanwhile, opinions on Aoun, who took office in 2016 through solidarity with the Iranian-backed militant faction Hezbollah, are mixed. Supporters, including members of the Maronite Christian-affiliated Maronite Movement (FPM), which he founded, evaluate that President Aoun defended the Christian power in Lebanon’s extreme sectarian politics.

On the other hand, critics point out that the economic crisis in Lebanon was in full swing as corruption and incompetence deepened during President Aoun’s tenure, and pointed out that he was the worst president in history. The economic crisis in Lebanon, which started deepening in 2019, reached its worst with the COVID-19 pandemic and the explosion of the port of Beirut in 2020.

In an interview with Reuters before leaving office, he defended himself that the president’s powers were limited in responding to the economic crisis. (source: Yonhap News)

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. The fear of the Lord leads to life; then one rests content, untouched by trouble. (Proverbs 19:21, 23)

God, may You have mercy on Lebanon, which is facing a national state vacuum due to the delay in the election of the president amid the worst economic crisis. May the rulers learn to revere God so that they can take care of and serve the people in extreme pain rather than dividing sides and blaming each other. Let the church leave its concerns to the LORD and pray for a leader in your heart so that only Your will stands completely in Lebanon.

Prayer 24·365

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