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[Eng. Prayer] More than 10,000 people gathered at the Holy Church in Milan, Italy

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“This is love: He sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”

[Nov.06.2022] Recently, on the 30th (local time), hot shouts of prayer rang through Milan, Italy. According to CBN News, Reverend Franklin Graham, chairman of the Billy Graham Evangelical Association (BGEA), declared the word of God to more than 13,200 people at the Mediolanum Forum in Milan.

“Here are people who are poor in heart, who are seeking peace in life,” Graham said. “If you believe in and follow Jesus Christ, the son of God, you can find the purpose in your life.” “God loves you. Jesus is the one who came to this earth from heaven to save us from sin.”

Samarian’s Wallet, a Christian charity led by Pastor Graham, established an emergency field hospital in 2020 to take care of Italians affected by the epidemic of Covid 19. It was the first international organization to provide emergency medical relief to Italy.

Starting with this rally, many pastors in Italy have agreed to work together in declaring the gospel in the region in the future.” The pastors across Milan are praying together for the evangelization of the region,” said Gary Testory, a member of the assembly. “This rally is a blessing for Italy.”

“It was a wonderful night,” Graham tweeted after the rally. “It was a privilege to preach the gospel at a rally in Milan,” he said. “I proclaimed to the people that Jesus Christ is the answer to any hardship or adversity.”

“What you have to do is to be willing to turn away from your sins and accept Jesus Christ with your heart and life through faith and repentance,” he said. “I bless those who are determined to do so.”

Meanwhile, Pastor Graham plans to hold a “God loves you” rally in Christchurch, Wellington, and Auckland, New Zealand, on the 12th to deliver the message. (Source: Daily Good News)

This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. (1 John 4:9-10)

Thank You, God, for speaking the gospel through the evangelical rally in Italy and for guiding the pastors to unity for evangelization for the local region. When the love of God forgiving our sins is proclaimed through the assembly, may the thirsty souls receive the love of God and enjoy peace with the Lord. May the churches of Italy and Europe pray with all their hearts for the revival and restoration of the cross in Europe, which groans from war, natural disasters, and homosexuality.

Prayer 24·365

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