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[Eng. Prayer] One in Three children globally is exposed to the double threat of climate change and poverty

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“May Your love and faithfulness always protect me.”

[Nov.16.2022] An estimation of 774 million children across the world, or one-third of the world’s child population, are living with the dual impacts of poverty and climate change threat, according to a new report published on the 14th by Save the Children, international children’s rights non-government organization (NGO).

According to the report, 349 million of the 774 million children who are being exposed to both climate crisis and poverty live in Asia. The country with the highest percentage of children impacted by this double burden is South Sudan (87%), followed by the Central African Republic (85%) and Mozambique (80%).

By population, India (223 million), Nigeria (58 million), and Ethiopia (36 million) rank in order. In addition, across the globe, 183 million children face the triple threat of high climate risk, poverty, and conflict. The children in Burundi (63%) and Afghanistan (55%) are the most affected.

“The combination of climate crisis and poverty can extremely weaken the resilience of children and communities to respond to the crisis,” the researchers said. “The humanitarian crisis can become more frequent and extreme, and the cost of living in a crisis can soar.”

The report notes that 121 million children in 63 countries living in relatively high-income countries were no exception to the poverty and climate crisis. It was found that 28 million children in developed countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, are facing a double threat.

“As the climate crisis intensifies, the risk of greater crisis of poverty increases,” the researchers noted. In the case of Korea, the level of exposure to poverty is low, but it is classified as a country facing a climate crisis.

The report was built on research published by Save the Children in partnership with Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium. The climate crisis index analyzed and predicted based on the climate research model and a survey of 54,000 children in 41 countries around the world from May to August this year were reflected. (Source: Yonhap News)

Do not withhold your mercy from me, Lord; may your love and faithfulness always protect me. But as for me, I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. You are my help and my deliverer; you are my God, do not delay. (Psalms 40:11,17)

God, with Your mercy and truth, may You protect the next generation of nations who are exposed to the climate crisis and poverty. May You help the churches to preach the gospel to children, for them to discover Your plan & purpose for their lives and that they may find the purpose and strength to live on. Lord, may You send many helping hands as international organisations and groups are seeking ways to resolve the upcoming crisis that will affect the children of the world.

Prayer 24·365

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