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[Eng. Prayer] Over 500 hate crimes against Christians in Europe last year

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“After you have suffered a little while, he will restore you.”

[Nov.23.2022] In Europe where the number of anti-Christian hate crimes is increasing, over 500 anti-Christian hate crimes were recorded last year,

According to the US Christian Post(CP), a non-government watchdog OIDAC recently released its 2021 Annual Report, citing known cases of abuse and discrimination against Christians in Europe last year.

OIDAC reported that between January 2021 to December 2021, France had the highest number of anti-Christian hate crimes at 124. This was followed by Germany with 112, Italy with 92, Poland with 60, the UK with 40, Spain with 30, Austria with 15, Belgium with 10, Ireland and Switzerland also had 7.

Vandalism is the most common ant-Christian hate crime and the number of property damages to Christian organizations and churches reached 300. Around 80 cases of theft of religious objects and equipment, 60 cases of arson, and 14 cases of physical attack or threat were also included. There were four murders targeting Christians.

“Religious freedom is gravely threatened in Europe, especially that of Christians,” said Todd Huizinga, senior fellow for Europe at the Religious Freedom Institute. “And the greatest threat arises out of relativism. Now that relativism is the reigning worldview in the West, it has developed its own rigid, absolutist dogma, one that, in the name of false tolerance, brooks no opposition”.

“Christian groups have been banned from social media platforms for expressing their beliefs against same-sex marriage and other sexual agendas,” he said. On the other hand, insults and violent comments towards Christians were allowed on the same platform.”

He added, “The vaguely worded Hate Speech Act and Public Order Act undermined the right to religious freedom and unjustly arrested street preachers.” (Source: Daily Good News)

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you in due time. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. (1 Peter 5:6,10)

God, may You protect the Christians in Europe who are threatened and persecuted by the followers of relativism for professing their faith in You as the one and only God. May Your mercy be upon those who rationalize their thoughts and sins and criticize the Church for being on the side of the truth. Lord, please help them to repent from their sinful ways and become people who honour You. May You strengthen the believers in Europe to endure the present suffering by standing firm in their faith and hope for eternal glory in You.

Prayer 24·365

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