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[Eng. Prayer][Norway] Church of Norway “Blesses the Same-Sex marriage” and then is Open to Ordaining Unmarried Cohabiting Priests

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity.”

[Dec.16.2022] The Christian Post (CP) recently reported that bishops of the Church of Norway, the largest Christian denomination of the three Scandinavian countries, are open to ordaining unmarried, cohabiting priests.

Currently, the Nordic Bishops’ Conference officially prohibits priests from living together if not married. The Norwegian news outlet Vart Land recently reported a survey that all bishops of the Church of Norway are open to ordaining priests who live with their partners without being married.

The news outlet also reported that Kari Veiteberg, the bishop of Oslo, the capital of Norway, has been ordaining priests, choir leaders, catechists, and assistant-priests who are not married but cohabiting with their partners since 2017.

The U.K.-based Premier Christian News noted that under current rules, the Church of Norway does not allow the ordination of unmarried cohabiting priests under its 1995 statement on the issue. The 1995 resolution said employees from the Church cannot “establish a cohabitation outside of an arranged marriage”.

However, the Church’s presiding bishop, the Most Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit, recently stated that bishops can decide to ordain unmarried cohabiting priests on their own.

“Bishops of the Lutheran Church agree that the best way to live together is to have a wedding,” he said. “But I also agree that each bishop should evaluate individual candidates of the ordination of their marital status.”

Dagen’s editor pointed out in an editorial, “What would you suggest if a priest married someone and live in contradiction with his understanding of the marriage that underlies the marriage?” and “It’s so disappointing.”

According to CNE News, Church of Norway Bishop Kari Mangrud Alvsvåg from Borg Diocese was quoted as saying, “I will not categorically say no to ordaining someone, but I will still follow the Bishops’ Conference’s stance on promoting marriage.”

The Church of Norway, part of the Evangelical Lutheran denomination, claims nominally 82% of the entire Norwegian population, according to 2011 estimates.

In 2007, the Church of Norway voted in favour of allowing members in same-sex partnerships to serve in ordained ministry. In 2015, the Church’s General Synod voted in favour of accepting same-sex marriage.

Norway has legalized same-sex marriage since 2008, but it was up to the Church to decide the position of the church with same-sex marriage. 2013, the Norwegian Bishops’ Conference decided to allow same-sex marriage in favour of 8 and 4 but only offer blessing services (Source: Christian Today).

Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us. (Titus 2:6-8)

God, pray that You would judge the Church of Norway, where 82% of the population is registered as a church member, for supporting the ordination of unmarried cohabiting priests, so that they may obey Your teaching with a good example. Above all, We pray that those who are in the leaders of the church will follow and walk in the truth. May the Church of Norway be built as a sacred guide that delights God by receiving the correction of the Lord.

Prayer 24·365

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