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[Eng. Prayer][China] Without Unification Through Ideology, Nothing Can Be Achieved… China Emphasizes Loyalty to Xi Jinping

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“The Lord foils the plans of the nations “

[Jan.19.2023] China has released the full text of President Xi Jinping’s speech emphasizing unity through ideology ahead of the Chinese New Year, the biggest holiday of the year. It is interpreted that he sent a message that absolute loyalty to the party’s central decision is mandatory amid social confusion, such as a series of corona infections and deaths, as he switched from “Zero Corona” to “With Corona.”

A flagship magazine Qiushi Journal published the full text of President Xi’s speech at the first group study session of the Politburo of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held on October 25 last year.

Non-disclosure speeches by China’s top leaders are generally released first, with only a few summarized key points, through state media, and the full text is usually released to the public selectively through Qiushi several years later.

In his speech, President Xi said, “In governing a large political party and a large country like ours, nothing can be achieved without the authority and centralized unified leadership of the Party Central Committee and the ideological unity of the entire Party and the whole country.”

Centralized unified leadership is a term that means the concentration of decision-making power to President Xi, who is in a key position within the party, and is an expression interpreted as a will to strengthen his absolute power. Xi released his speech when minor protests broke out both inside and outside China to condemn his re-election as General Secretary of the Communist Party confirming his third consecutive term.

Xi stressed upholding the fighter spirit, confronting various risks and challenges with courage, being brave to overcome various difficulties, and unswervingly implementing the decisions and plans of the Party Central Committee. In his New Year’s address, Xi said, “Since China is a big country, it is normal to have different pursuits and opinions.” He urged the entire country to build a consensus through communication and consultation.

President Xi’s emphasis on unity is interpreted by many that, it is to cover a situation where the economy hit the bottom due to the zero-corona policy that lasted for nearly three years and social and economic unrest continues even after the transition to ‘with’ corona. (Source: Yonhap News Synthesis).

The Lord foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the people. But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance. (Psalms 33:10-12)

God, we bless China to stand completely on Your Will above Xi Jinping’s speech demanding unification through ideology to maintain his absolute power. Please nullify the plans and covetousness of the leaders of this land. May they know You as their true leader, submit themselves under Your authority and serve the people with justice. May You protect the Chinese church to stay strong. May they rejoice in the heavenly inheritance as Your chosen people even under the pressure and persecution of the government.

Prayer 24·365

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