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[Eng. Prayer]Tears of Somalia… 500,000 Children Are At Risk of Death Due to Drought and Terrorism

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing“

[Jan.26.2023] CBS reported on the 16th (local time) that more than 500,000 children in Somalia, Africa, are at risk of dying from malnutrition and other causes this year alone due to the climate crisis and long-standing conflict.

UNICEF recently announced data that more than 500,000 children could die from malnutrition by the middle of this year unless urgent action is taken in Somalia, which is suffering from drought and the Al-Shabaab attacks linked to the terrorist group al-Qaeda.

The Horn of Africa, including Somalia, is experiencing the worst drought in 40 years, exacerbating food shortages. As a result, more and more people are leaving their hometowns in the southern regions.

In addition, the suffering of the Somali people is getting worse as the terrorist attacks by the militant group Al-Shabaab, which dominates much of southern and central Somalia, have continued for 20 years.

UN agencies and other humanitarian organizations surveyed displaced people’s camps in the southwestern Baidoa district in September last year and announced that 59% of the 98,000 children aged between 6 to 59 months were suffering from acute malnutrition. Of these, 24% were found to be in very serious condition.

CBS explained that thousands of Somali residents are faced with two choices: to remain in their homes in the devastated southern regions and continue to starve or to leave their homes at the risk of being caught up in fighting between al-Shabaab and the government forces.

In particular, mothers with young children often travel on foot to a dispersed persons camp located far away to save their children. Bilisi Ali, who travelled with her young daughters to a camp in Baidoa to find food, said there was not enough food even at the camp.

They walked more than 112 km in their weak conditions to reach the camp, but the children in the camp have been surviving with only a small amount of porridge for several days. However, Ali added that the situation is far better than at home in the south where there is no food at all.

“Back home, al-Shabaab controls the food supply and they burn the food unless permission is obtained from them,” he added.

CBS explained that help is urgently needed, but that it is difficult for relief organizations or media to actively engage in any activities in Somalia due to threats from Al-Shabaab and others. (Source: Yonhap News Agency).

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Fear the Lord, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. (Psalms 34:8-10)

Dear God, may You pity Somalia, suffering from long-standing conflicts, terrorism, drought and food crisis, and protect children who are threatened with death due to malnutrition. May the gospel reach the hungry and needy so that they can find You and experience Your goodness for those who revere LORD lack nothing. May the churches of the nations pray for Somalia, whose hopes seem to have been broken, so that this land may be revived by the grace of the Lord.

Prayer 24·365

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