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[Eng. Prayer]Chinese Christians are in Predicament Through Technological Surveillance

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Scoundrels plan to destroy, but the noble make a noble plan“

[Jan.31.2023] A Christian persecution watchdog based in the UK has voiced concern that “Christians in China are fearful of the oppression and control of the authority using technology.”

According to Britain’s Christian Today (CT), Release International, which supports persecuted churches around the world, recently said, “Weaponized surveillance is making life harder for Christians in China.” The group designated China as a country of special concern for Christian persecution in 2023.

Pastor Bob Fu, a partner of Release International, warns “The Chinese government has steadily increased the oppression and control of Christians, particularly through the use of technology.
Since October last year, ‘Techno-authoritarianism’ in China has begun to reach new extremes under Xi Jinping in his third term as General Secretary of the Chinese Communist party.”

He said, “The Chinese Communist Party is using hundreds of millions of face-recognition cameras to monitor its people. They installed cameras all over China, including church buildings and streets,” he said. “The Chinese authorities collect digital fingerprints and DNA through national databases. They are even using it to track the movements of citizens outside China,” he said.

“As transnational oppression of Chinese Christians increases, the artificial intelligence (AI) is being weaponized,” he said. “They try to silence dissidents through illegal deportation, kidnapping, digital and family threats,” he explained.

He also said, “As China has banned all online religious activities since last year, the pressure on Christians through social media WeChat increased also.” In fact, a WeChat account that recommends books has been blocked for using the word “Christ.” Also, a pastor who posted a baptismal ceremony video was arrested.

Pastor Mao Zhibin, who majored in Information Management, said, “With data collected from WeChat and millions of surveillance cameras, the power at the fingertips of the Chinese government far exceeds other totalitarian regimes.”

Paul Robinson, CEO of Release International, said, “The Xi Jinping administration has embarked on a process of Chinazation that makes everything more Chinese and controls everything more strictly,” adding, “The Communist Party considers Christianity an unpatriotic and pro-Western threat. They try to get rid of anything they can’t control” (Source: Christian Today).

Scoundrels use wicked methods, they make up evil schemes to destroy the poor with lies, even when the plea of the needy is just. But the noble make noble plans, and by noble deeds, they stand. (Isaiah 32:7-8)

God, may You condemn the Chinese government for its evil plan of oppressing Christians using online and cutting-edge technology. May You allow them the wisdom to fear the living God so that they may stop the evil they are doing and become people who plan noble works. May You grant Christians in China a bold heart to follow You in all circumstances and pray for Your kingdom to come to the land.

Prayer 24·365

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