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[Eng. Prayer][U.S]. Asbury University in the U.S., ongoing Worship and Prayer…”21C Campus Revival.”

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“He will remind you of everything I have said and help you keep it.”

[Feb.16.2023] Students continued to worship and pray at Asbury University in Kentucky. The spark of campus and community revival has been set.

According to the Christian Post (CP) in the U.S., students at Asbury University are required to attend services at least three times a week. On the morning of the 8th (local time), students gathered at the Hughes Auditorium to worship. Pastor Zack Meerkreebs shared Chapter 12 in Romans under the theme of “Love in Action.”

The service lasted for an hour. However, even after the service was over, about 100 students continued to praise without leaving the Auditorium. They came up to the podium and knelt and prayed fervently to God.

Alexandra Presta, a senior student, told the campus newspaper Collegian that she left the auditorium to take classes, but she heard a voice telling her to go back, and she added “the service didn’t stop.” The auditorium was filled with worship, testimonies, prayers, and praises.

“It is estimated that more than 1,000 people gathered,” she said. “some students slept on the floor of the auditorium, and there were people who praised God all night nonstop.” “friends hugged each other and prayed with tears in their eyes,” she said.

“The revival meeting lasted 24 hours. No one wanted to leave the premise,” she said. “The presence of the Holy Spirit on the campus was strong.”

The revival meeting lasted for several days. Not only students but also professors and local church leaders participated. As news spread online, students from nearby universities also joined in worship and prayers. Participants testified of the God they met, read the Bible, and prayed.

“It was love that brought people together for more than 100 hours,” Presta said. “It’s not just a fleeting feeling or a simple emotion, but something beautiful was evident.” “We boldly declared that love because God is love,” she said. “Even students from other schools gathered and the revival venue was expanded to nearby Estes Chapel.”

“The passion of the students is encouraging to me,” said Tim Beougher, a pastor at West Broadway Baptist Church and a professor at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. “We need to pray for the protection from God for the school and the students.”

Meanwhile, it is not the first time a campus revival has occurred at Asbury University. In February 1970, when the dean invited students to share testimony at a regular morning service at the time, repentance and confessions of sin continued. More than 1,000 students continued to worship and pray for 144 hours, and the university cancelled classes for a week (Source: Daily Good News Comprehensive).

Jesus answered, “If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my father will love him.” We will go to him and live with him; the Holy Spirit, which the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of everything I have told you (John 14:23,26).

Dear God, we praise You for setting the spark of revival of nonstop worship and prayer in the presence of the Holy Spirit at Asbury University in the United States. Let this fire of the Holy Spirit burn higher and work in the spirits of multitude of people so that this revival of worshiping God can go out beyond campus and local community in to America and other nations. So that people would know the truth and love the LORD and live according to Your commands, and give their life You and rise up as people preparing for the day when the LORD returns.

Prayer 24·365

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