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[Eng. Prayer] Canadian Parliamentary Recommends allowing Euthanasia to “Mature” Minors without Parental Consent.

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words, keep your foot from evil.”

[Mar.01.2023] Canada’s parliament is calling for Canada’s euthanasia program to be expanded to allow “mature minors” whose deaths are “reasonably foreseeable” to die without parental consent.

According to the Christian Post (CP) U.S., Canada’s Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) recently reviewed a report recommending assisted suicide to minors without parental consent.

The report recommended on the list of 23 recommendations that the minors who were “deemed to have the requisite decision-making ability” should also be eligible for the state’s Medical Assistance in Dying Program (MAID).

The commission urges the government to “conduct consultations with minors on the Euthanasia Program (MAID), including minors with a terminal illness, minors with disabilities, minors in the child welfare system, or Aboriginal minors, within five years of writing this report.”

It also recommended that “the government should consult with the parents or guardians of mature minors during the evaluation process for euthanasia programs (MAIDs) where appropriate however should establish a requirement that the will of the minor capable of making the necessary decisions be followed.” It also recommended that “It needs to be restricted to only young people whose death is ‘reasonably foreseeable’”.

The report did not propose an age limit for assisted suicide, stating “eligibility for MAID should not be denied based on age alone.” Regarding parental consent, the final report recommends parents be consulted “where appropriate.”

The majority of the committee’s members called for the government to hold formal consultations with Canadians under 18 within the next five years and to provide funding for research into the issue of minors being eligible for MAID. It also urged the government to “work with provinces and territories, regulatory authorities, provincial and territorial law societies and stakeholders to adopt the necessary safeguards for advance requests.”

Conservative members of Parliament objected to the proposal to expand MAID eligibility to minors, highlighting how decision-making capacities, even for mature young people, remain questionable. (Source: Christian Today).

But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble. My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil. ( Proverb 4:18-20, 27)

God, may the Canadian Parliament turn away from the path of death as they plot evil to allow minors to be euthanized without parental consent. May they honour You as the author of life that the life ethics will be kept as Your Words command. Please stop all attempts to rationalize life and death by sinful manmade regulations. May You bring the people to Your light so that they will submit to Your authority and inherit eternal life.

Prayer 24·365

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