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[Eng. Prayer] U.N. Sent an Ultimatum to the Taliban, the Fetters to Women, “Will Withdraw from Afghanistan With Breaking Heart”

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“There is no one to help but you; help us.”

[Apr.20.2023] The United Nations issued a final warning against the Taliban’s ban on women’s activities in Afghanistan, saying, “It’s heartbreaking, but we’re prepared to withdraw.” Achim Steiner, director-general of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), told The Associated Press on the 17th (local time) that the United Nations was prepared to make the “heartbreaking” decision to withdraw from Afghanistan in May.

Such remarks came amidst friction between the United Nations and the Taliban, which had earlier imposed shackles on women’s social activities, and banned female employees of international organizations from coming to work. In a statement on the 11th, the United Nations effectively warned of the evacuation, saying, “The Taliban are forcing us to make a terrible choice between supporting the Afghan people and complying with regulations.”

“It is fair to say that we are right now is where the entire United Nations system having to take a step back and re-evaluate its ability to operate there,” Steiner said, “but human rights, the fundamental principle, is not for negotiation” and maintained his position that he would not back down.

“I think there is no other way of putting it than it is heartbreaking,” Steiner said, “If the United Nations were not in Afghanistan, millions of boys, girls, fathers and mothers would not even have enough food,” he said.

The United Nations notified all 3,300 local male and female employees not to come to work until the 5th of the following month after the Taliban prevented local female employees from coming to the UN office since the last 5th. The United Nations is currently monitoring and supporting the relief efforts of several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Afghanistan.

If the UN halts local activities, the hardship of the Afghan people who are suffering from the worst economic crisis is expected to increase. The United Nations maintains that the Taliban regime is responsible for any negative consequences related to the crisis of the Afghan people.

The Taliban, who took advantage of the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan in August 2021 and took government again, strictly apply Sharia (Islamic law) and block women’s activities in every corner of society. In the 2022 Afghan report released on the 18th, UNDP said that the number of Afghans living in poverty is estimated to be 34 million, a sharp increase from 15 million in 2020.

Considering that the total population of Afghanistan is estimated to be 40 million, the AFP news agency reported that 85% of the residents are living in poverty (Source: Yonhap News Agency).

Then Asa called to the Lord his God and said, “Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, Lord, our God, for we rely on you, and in your name, we have come against this vast army. Lord, you are our God; do not let mere mortals prevail against you.” ( 2 Chronicles 14:11)

God, we declare that You are the only source of hope for Afghan where a humanitarian crisis would strike its people because of the stubbornness of the Taliban to ignore the voices of the international community that leads the UN to stop its activities in the nation. May You rebuke the Taliban for not caring for the people’s welfare but insisting on their distorted ways to govern the country. May You provide help and support Afghan people, and grant them the grace of salvation so that each person will rely on You, the true and faithful God.

Prayer 24·365

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