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[Eng. Prayer] More Than 10 Million Unborn Died in 55 Years Since the UK Abortion Law Came into Effect

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“The Lord has delivered me from death.”

[May.04.2023] According to Right to Life UK, a life movement group, more than 10,000,000 (10,135,618) unborn have died since the abortion law came into effect in 1967 in the UK. The figures were released on April 27 (local time), the 55th anniversary of the 1968 Abortion Act, and cover England, Wales and Scotland.

UK Right to Life spokeswoman Catherine Robinson said: “The UK’s abortion laws are failing both women and their unborn babies. It is a national tragedy that 10,135,618 people are deprived of the right to life after the implementation of the Abortion Act in 1967. All these abortions are due to our society’s failure to protect the life of a baby in the womb and full support for women who have unplanned pregnancies. It represents a collective failure of the country UK to provide the necessary support.”

“While we may pause to commemorate this tragedy, it is also a day to urge people across the country to renew their efforts to do everything possible to save more lives from abortion,” Robinson said.

According to data from the UK Department of Health and Human Services, there were a whopping 214,869 abortions in England and Wales in 2021, up from 4,009 in 2020. A further 13,758 abortions occurred in Scotland that same year.

The rise began with the widespread use of abortion-post-pill in England and Wales. Introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic, the service allows women and girls to receive an abortion pill in the mail from an abortion provider after an online consultation.

As the number of abortions rises, UK Right to Life is asking people to consider volunteering at ‘pregnancy support centres’ or other ‘anti-abortion initiatives’ and to encourage them to support protection for unborn babies and mothers.

“By being assertive and taking action, we can all be part of building an anti-abortion nation that protects the right to life for all human beings from conception to natural death,” Robinson said. (Source: Christian Today).

Then my enemies will turn back when I call for help. By this, I will know that God is for me. For you have delivered me from death and my feet from stumbling, that I may walk before God in the light of life. (Psalms 56:9,13)

God, please forgive the sins of England and other nations that have destroyed 10 million lives over the past 55 years by numbing people’s consciences with the abortion law and guide them to repentance. May You break down the deceit of the enemy who encourages abortion through social service. May the pro-life movement organizations that protect women and fetuses become the blessed channels of You who save lives. May the churches wake up and rise with the Gospel and proclaim the truth and pray for the nation so that the souls will be revived and walk in the light of life.

Prayer 24·365

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