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[Eng. Prayer] Iran Seizes 13 Tons of Illegal Drugs in One Week.

▲ 출처: 유튜브 채널 AP Archive 영상 캡처

“Awake from fruitless darkness and rise from the dead”

[Jun.15.2023] The Iranian anti-narcotics more than 13 tons of illegal drugs in separate operations across the country over the past seven days, IRIB in Iran reported on the 11th (local time).

During the operations, 13.19 tons of narcotics were seized, and 2,385 illicit drugs sellers were arrested, particularly in the provinces of Sistan and Luchestan, Kerman, Hormuzgan, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad and Semnan, IRIB news agency quoted Iran’s anti-narcotics police chief, Iraj Kakavand. He added the country’s police forces also confiscated 368 light-weight vehicles and six weapons.

Iran is stepping up crackdowns weekly to eradicate drug trafficking. The governments of Iran and Iraq, which share a border of 1,548 km, have signed an agreement to cooperate in the war on drugs.
At a meeting held on May 31, the Interior Affairs Ministers of the two countries agreed to expand cooperation in fighting terrorism and drug trafficking.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 53 Iranians out of a million die from drug use. According to data from 2017, teenage drug addicts are prevalent, and 5.4% of Iranians aged 15-64 are addicted to drugs. (Source: Newsis, prayer 24.365 headquarters)

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” (Ephesians 5:11-12, 14)

God, let the dark and secret affairs stop in Iran, where the vast amount of drug circulation is rampant and let the people of this land come out of sin and come to the Lord with a whole heart. May You have mercy on those who are poisoned from an early age and many souls that are tied to the snare of death even though it is a very strict country that executes the death penalty for drug use and save them with the gospel. When the Iranian church shines the light of Christ, I pray that the land will be filled with witnesses who rise from the dead and are filled with joy that the world cannot give.

Prayer 24·365

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