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[Eng.Prayer] China, Revision of Church and Temple Management Regulations… “Religious Activities That Threaten National Security Are Prohibited”

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Let those who love you be like the rising sun”

[Aug.02.2023] The new regulations that further strengthen the state’s control over religious activity venues such as temples and churches are in enforcement from September in China which has been emphasizing the “Sinicization of religion” since President Xi Jinping came to power. On the 31st (local time), according to The United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee, the National Religious Affairs Administration recently announced the “Administrative Measures for Religious Activity Venues”.

The new management method, consisting of a total of 10 chapters and 76 articles, is a drastic revision of the current “Method for Establishment, Examination, Approval, and Registration of Religious Activity Venues” enacted in 2005 (total of 15 articles) by adding specific requirements for establishment.

One of the most notable items in the new management method is the general rule, which contains definitions of basic duties and places for religious activities. The newly established Article 3 stipulates that “religious activity venues must uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system, deeply implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and abide by the Constitution, laws and relevant regulations.”

It also stipulates that religious activity sites must uphold the “practice of socialist core values,” “Sinicization of religion,” “the principle of independence,” “national unity and Ethnic unity,” and “religious moderation and social stability.” It was also nailed down that religious activity sites should not be used for “illegal activities” or provide conditions for illegal activities.

In addition, it drew a clear line that “no organization or individual shall use religious activity sites to threaten national security, destroy social order, infringe on the physical health of citizens, interfere with the national education system, or violate public order and morals, or threaten national interests”.

The establishment of religious activity venues and procedures for screening and approval were also stipulated in detail. The management method stipulates that where a temple, etc. is to be established, there must be a demand for a certain number of citizens with that religion to engage in daily group religious activities, and the source of funds must be clearly disclosed.

As for the management method, it was also emphasized that the religious activity site management organization should consist of more than three people, including religious persons, believers, and other related persons and that members of the management organization should not receive domination (guidance) or donations from abroad.

In a statement posted on the website of the United Front Office on the same day, an official from China’s State Religious Affairs Bureau said, “The management of some places was undemocratic and unregulated, and the legitimate rights and interests of religious circles and believers were violated. There was a demand from them to complete the system related to places for religious activities.” (Source: Yonhap News).

“So may all your enemies perish, Lord! But may all who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength.” Then the land had peace for forty years. (Judges 5:31)

God, please rebuke Xi Jinping and the Communist Party’s evil plan to make all religions and beliefs submit to their power and want to rule as a king in the name of “Sinicization of religion.” Please protect the Chinese church as there will be more restrictions in its missionary and worship activities, and may You help the church to preach the gospel wisely. Despite the government’s increasing pressure, grant the church that loves You to be like the rising sun, so that it can move forward faithfully for the evangelization of China.

Prayer 24·365

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