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[Eng. Prayer] Worldwide Revival… Fast and Pray and Share All They Have.

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Shine the light, for the glory of the Lord rises upon you.”

[2023.Aug.03] A revival is taking place in the nations as those in poverty, powerlessness, harassment, and tribulation come together to fast and pray, confess and forgive each other their sins, share all they have and experience the power of God. Jason Mandrick, the author of World Prayer Information, introduced the news of revival around the world in the 105th issue of RUN magazine of the WEC Mission.

The church in Iran has grown the fastest in the world over the past decade. After the Islamic Revolution, the government’s iron-fisted rule and regulation aimed at Islamization aroused opposition from the younger generation. Amid this chaos, the church in Iran has suffered severe persecution and tribulation but is growing steadily. Due to the nature of the underground church, it is difficult to determine the exact number, but it is currently estimated that there are approximately one million believers.

Thailand was a country that welcomed missionaries, but for a long time, it was a spiritual barren land that did not respond much to the gospel. Countless seeds of prayer and missions were sown, but it was hard to find any fruit. However, the movement of the FJCCA denomination experienced tremendous growth, and thousands of house churches were established through village evangelism.

In Myanmar, after the military coup in 2021, the military regime’s brutality is getting worse over time. Churches, schools, and ethnic minorities face the worst situation of enduring poverty and hunger while receiving merciless attacks as their targets.

But even in this hopeless situation, many people are experiencing a revival. Nominal Christians’ faith is strengthened, and the church is expanding. Even amid terrible persecution, the saints are not consumed by hatred and vengeance but are experiencing the love of Christ that allows them to forgive those who persecute them.

India’s endemic problem of gender-selective abortion and the number of orphans in the millions are examples of how children in India are being treated. But now India’s next generation is fuelling the church’s explosive growth.

According to one local leader, about 170,000 children participate in children’s clubs, where they learn to worship Jesus and pray fervently. Surprisingly, this spiritual growth and changes are taking place in many parts of India under the persecution and surveillance of fervent Hindus.

Continued prayer and revival are expanding in Africa. The fire of prayer and worship is continuing throughout Africa and even within the churches of the black community in England. A theologian from Switzerland said, “The Church in England has been praying for revival for a long time, but when revival came, they did not realize it. Because the revival took place in the black community.” (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper synthesis)

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. (Isaiah 60:1-3)

God, thank You for the news of the church that is experiencing revival by shining the bright light of the gospel in many parts of the world that seem to have been covered by the darkness of long civil war, terrorism, and famine. May the name of Jesus Christ, who is the joy to overcome despair and the hope in hopelessness, be preached to more people through the testimonies and lives of the believers. Therefore, I pray that the holy army of You rise from the nations to prepare for the way of the Jesus Christ come again by waging war against enemies through prayers.

Prayer 24·365

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