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[Eng. Prayer] Vulnerable Children Exploited for Cosmetic Production Worldwide

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Do justice, and deliver the plundered from the oppressor”

World Vision, an international Christian charity organisation, in a recent report, condemns the terrible price that vulnerable children pay to produce cosmetics consumed around the world.

In a report titled “The High Price of Beauty,” World Vision examined the complex supply chain involved in mining and shipping agricultural products, which account for about 30% of cosmetic ingredients. World Vision notes that “this often involves the exploitation of children who have to support their families or who have been trafficked.”

“Research shows that instead of going to school, many children help grow, harvest and transport six ingredients commonly used in cosmetics: palm oil, cocoa, vanilla, shea, mica and copper. They work in places where there are risks of injury, heatstroke, illness, or even death, and receive less than $2 a day,” he said.

“Businesses and governments should take steps to save 140 million children who are still estimated to be victims of labour exploitation by 2025,” he urged.

Mark Sheard, CEO of World Vision in the UK, said, “It is a shocking reality that children from vulnerable groups all over the world are suffering severely and even dying while working in dangerous illegal mines to mine cosmetic ingredients.”

He said, “It is a shared responsibility. We should not turn a blind eye to the reality of where some of the ingredients of cosmetics come from. The company should take responsibility because turning a blind eye does not change the results.”

A World Vision survey of major cosmetics companies has shown some progress, but the number of children mobilized to gather ingredients such as cocoa is still increasing.

“Improved legislation has helped improve corporate practices in recent years, but we are still waiting to ultimately eradicate child exploitation and help children have a happy and satisfying childhood,” Sheard said. Source: Christian Today Comprehensive).

This is what the Lord says: Do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place. (Jeremiah 22:3)

God, thank You for revealing the reality of children who are suffering from labour exploitation and raising voices for them through World Vision. May You rescue and restore the children suffering from poverty and being exploited by corporate atrocities and pray that they would hear the gospel and are raised as Your harvesters who put their hope in the kingdom of God. May You cause those who exploit also hear Your word, repent and make an effort to help the next generation to have safe, happy and fulfilling childhoods.

Prayer 24·365

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