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[Eng. Prayer] Germany: German, Legal Sex Can Be Determined and Changed as One Choose… “To Ensure the Dignity of Transgender People.”

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Return to your God, and I will mend the rebellion, I will heal Your waywardness.”

All German citizens will be able to decide and change their name and sex in official documents including birth registration and passports. Germany’s Cabinet explained that it is to ensure the freedom and dignity of transgender, and homosexual people.

The German traffic light coalition government (Social Democratic Party-Red, Liberal Democrats-Yellow, Green Party-Green) passed a bill to enact a self-directed decision law at a cabinet meeting on the 23rd (local time).

German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann said: “This enactment will help a small number of people, but for them, this issue means a lot.” And he said, “As a matter of transgender freedom and dignity, the state should no longer treat them as sick people.” 

Lisa Paus, Germany’s Minister for the Family, called the decision “a great moment for transgender people in Germany.” “The German Basic Law guarantees the free development of personality and respect for gender identity, but for more than 40 years, people have been discriminated by gender reassignment laws, and now this discrimination will come to an end”, she added.

According to the enactment, any adult can determine the name and legal sex to be recorded in family registers or passports among male, female, various, and not-wish-to-record. The new rules allow minors 14 years and older to change their name and legal sex with approval from their parents or guardians. It is separate from undergoing hormone therapy or facing gender reassignment surgery.

The enactment was designed for sexual minorities like transgender, neutrals, and people who cannot be identified as male or female.  Neutrals are people who have innate physical characteristics that are not medically classified as male or female, or who are neither male nor female (non-binary) and who do not define themselves as either male or female.

The German opposition parties, the Christian Democratic Party (CDU) and Christian Socialist Party (CSU) coalition, and the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) protested against the enactment.

“The enactment can cause a complete separation of legal sex and biological sex,” said Silvia Breher, a spokesperson for the family policy of the union of Christian Democratic Party and Christian Socialist Party. “We firmly oppose this arbitrary gender classification,” She added, “This puts women-only protection spaces at risk” (Source: Yonhap News Agency).

Return, Israel, to the Lord your God. Your sins have been your downfall. “I will heal their waywardness and love them freely, for my anger has turned away from them. (Hosea 14:1, 4)

God, may You rebuke the German government that defies the truth and defends sin with laws that allow transgender and homosexuals to decide on their own sex, and cause them to turn back from treason. May You destroy Satan’s falsehood in which lust and bodily desires are deceived as if they were to be upheld, and let this land come to the realization of its rebellion and come to the love of the Lord’s cross that is able to heal them. May You raise up the politicians who honour You and let the Church of Germany fight the war of faith, praying for its country that is in turmoil.

Prayer 24·365

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