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[Eng. Prayer] Mexico: Mexico Supreme Court Rules ‘Abortion Law, Unconstitutional’… Abortion Opponents Will Continue to Fight to Restore Restrictions.

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 El Universal 영상 캡처

“The fear of the Lord turns us away from evil.”

Mexico’s Federal Supreme Court ruled that the current law punishing abortion was unconstitutional, making the country legalise abortion. According to local media, Yonhap News, and Brazilian Report, Mexico’s Supreme Court announced on the 6th (local time) that “the legal system that criminalized abortion” in Mexican federal laws was unconstitutional because it “violates the human rights of women and people who has the ability of gestation.”

The Supreme Court, which briefly announced the relevant decision on its official social media, provided additional explanation and said that it was a judgment regarding the relief filed by some civic groups against the government and Congress. Previously, four civic groups, including the ‘Group for Information Sharing on Reproductive Rights’ (GIRE), had asked the Supreme Court to stop applying the provision that criminalizes the right to decide on an abortion.

Some states had previously ruled that the provision for the punishment of abortion was unconstitutional, but the Supreme Court decision will have an impact on all other states in Mexico.

Mexico’s Supreme Court in 2021 responded “in a situation where there is no scientific consensus, it is impossible for the local council or the Supreme Court could stipulate how the beginning of life should be viewed,” ruling it unconstitutional to the law in the northwestern state of Sinaloa that states “Fetus must be protected starting immediately after fertilization.

Around the same time, Coahuila’s ‘punishment for abortion within 12 weeks’ was also ruled unconstitutional. Local media, including El Financiero, believe that about 20 states currently have provisions against abortion.

“HIRE”, a civic group, said, “We must hurry to prepare amendments to prevent a legislative vacuum occurring nationwide from the Supreme Court’s decision today.” In general, local media reported that the relevant laws are expected to allow abortion in cases of ‘within 12 weeks of pregnancy.’

Accordingly, Mexico became the fifth country in Latin America to legalize abortion, following Cuba (1965), Uruguay (2012), Argentina (2021), and Colombia (2022).

Meanwhile, according to ABC News, Ima Barrientos, director of the Mexican Citizens for Pregnancy Rights, said, “We will not stop fighting to protect the lives.  We have seen what happened in America. The Supreme Court overturned the abortion ruling after 40 years. We will not stop until Mexico guarantees the right to life from the moment of conception,” he said, adding that he will continue to fight against the expansion of abortion by abortion supporters. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive).

Through love and faithfulness, sin is atoned for; through the fear of the Lord, evil is avoided. The highway of the upright avoids evil; those who guard their ways preserve their lives. (Proverbs 16:6, 17)

God, please reverse the Mexican government’s foolish actions legalising abortion and justifying lust and treason. Please proclaim Your truth in Mexico where all kinds of sins are rampant. May the Mexicans fear You as the Supreme God, and turn away from evil. May Satan’s scheme, which leads people to become disconnected from God as a result of their sins, be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ. May the Mexicans not rationalise their sins under the protection of the wicked laws, but honour and obey You and preserve their souls by renewing their minds. 

Prayer 24·365

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