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[Eng. Prayer] China: First Communist, then Christian… Implementation of New Religious Regulations

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Judge whether it is right to listen to your own words rather than to the word of God.”

The Chinese government implemented new religious regulations obligating churches to stop criticizing communism but actively promote it. According to the Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) Korea, the new Chinese policy announced on the 1st of September, “Measures on the Administration of Religious Activity Venues” obligates churches that they must be “first communist and then Christian”.

These new requirements from China’s State Religious Affairs Bureau also state that for churches to be permitted to continue to stay in their operation, promoting communism must be their first goal, which is far above and more important than promoting the church’s religious beliefs.

The Korea VOM representative said the trend began in late 2022 when Three-Self churches hosted various activities for the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. Recently, Sicheng Church, a formally registered church to the Chinese Communist government in Hangzhou, organized a special session on implementing “the Spirit of the National Congress” and on the church’s website, its pastor, Huang Mingke, emphasized the church’s support for the Chinese government’s program of Sinicization.

 “These new September 1 regulations will likely make public shows of public support for Communism by Chinese churches even more common,” Hyun Sook Poly, Korea VOM’s Representative, expressed her concerns.

The regulations further make clear that unregistered churches are not only unacceptable but also criminal. Article 29 of the regulations which specifically targets unregistered groups states that places of worship shall be promptly removed if they are considered to undermine national unity, promote extremism, violate public order, partner with groups outside the country, accept donations in violation of state regulations, hold unauthorized religious activities, etc.

“The new regulations give provincial level officials even more legal tools to crack down on unregistered churches,” Representative Hyun Sook Poly said. She added “but the main charge against unregistered churches by Chinese authorities is more and more likely to be: as your church does not promote communism as a Chinese church, your church has to be shut down.”

Still, Representative Foley says she believes the unregistered churches will remain true to their calling to glorify God alone. “In the last few years, we’ve seen congregations like Early Rain Church in Chengdu and Zion Church in Beijing withstand every attack by the authorities, from house arrests to building confiscation to beatings to jail time, and yet those congregations are still standing firm,” says Representative Foley. “

”They are still standing not because the authorities have been soft in their attacks but because the Lord Jesus strengthened them to stand in the face of even the worst adversity“, she concluded. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive).

Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you or him? You be the judges! As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” After further threats they let them go. They could not decide how to punish them, because all the people were praising God for what had happened. (Acts 4:18-21)

God, we proclaim that Jesus is the head of the church and the true king in China as He will secure the faith of believers and proclaim victory over the Chinese government’s rebellious actions against You. May You bestow boldness to the Chinese churches that they will stand firm on the truth and proclaim the name of Jesus until the end, not compromising the Truth for their own well-being despite the oppressing fearful reality. May the Chinese church glorify Your name by keeping their faith and continue to be victorious so Add boldness to the Chinese church, which declares the name of Jesus like life in awe of God in the trend of compromising and preaching to the fearful reality. May the people of this land be honored by the living Lord and salvation through the Chinese church, which keeps faith and wins with patience despite the ever-increasing persecution.that many people in this land will be saved through the Chinese church, which keeps faith and is victorious with patience despite the ever-increasing persecution.

Prayer 24·365

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