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[Eng. Prayer] India: India Refuses to Renew Christian Orphanage License…Christian Threat Serious

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“We take refuge in the shadow of your wings; grant me your justice.”

A Christian orphanage in India has been denied a renewal of its permit to receive foreign charitable funds, intensifying concerns about religious freedom and governmental oversight in the country.

According to the Christian Post (CP), the Department for Women and Child Development in Madhya Pradesh state in India declined to renew the license for Adharshila Sansthan, an orphanage in Damoh district managed by a Protestant Christian couple.

An official from the orphanage, who wished to remain anonymous, was quoted as saying that the couple have been operating it since 2005 and have always complied with legal requirements. The orphanage has facilitated the adoption of 18 children by foreign couples and 27 by Indian couples. Currently, 11 girls and five boys are ready for adoption but will be transferred to other state-run orphanages if the operation of the orphanage is denied.

On the 5th (local time), the state’s child rights panel accused the orphanage of not adhering to the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act. The main reason cited for the denial was that the orphanage was running boys’ and girls’ hostels under one license, which does not abide by the child protection law. Praksha Pathak, Damoh district chairperson of the child rights panel, was quoted as saying that decisions about relocating the children are pending. He declined to provide further details, citing confidentiality.

Priyank Kanoongo, chairperson of the National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights, filed a complaint against the orphanage and its founder, Dr. Ajay Lall, in November 2022. In response, Indian Christians expressed concern that attacks and oppression against Christians were increasing after Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who advocates Hindu nationalism, took power.

Church officials claim that the state government has been targeting Christian institutions like schools, hostels and orphanages. “This is a ‘planned conspiracy’ against our institution,” he criticized.

Madhya Pradesh has also enforced a stringent “anti-conversion” law since 2021. The law states that “No one can use the displeasure towards divinity as a threat.”

Open Doors raised concerns that “Persecution by Hindu extremists is intensifying with the goal of eliminating the presence and influence of Christians in India. They claim that Christians and other religious minorities are not true Indians and should be eradicated from the country.” (Source: Daily Good News)

How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings. Continue your love to those who know you, your righteousness to the upright in heart.   May the foot of the proud not come against me, nor the hand of the wicked drive me away. (Psalms 36:7,10-11)

God, please demolish the evil laws and actions of the Indian government, which blocks the operation of Christian orphanages by refusing to renew permits. Please help the Christian institutions in India to be able to continue their ministry for the weak and needy. We declare that life in Christ can never be stopped by Hindu extremists who are using anti-conversion laws to eliminate the influence of the church and hinder the spread of the gospel. Please protect the affected orphanages so that the children will grow up in the knowledge of You and love You in the land where idol worship seems prevailing.

Prayer 24·365

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