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[Eng. Prayer] Middle East: “I Met Jesus” through Christian Satellite TV in the Middle East and North Africa

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

In the Middle East and North Africa, where Christian persecution and Muslim terrorism are frequent, many people are experiencing conversion through Christian broadcasting missions.

According to Faith Wire, Rita El-Mounayer, CEO of the Christian media SAT-7, said, “The way people look at the situation in the Middle East and North Africa is a gloomy picture of terrorism, violence, and war. But I am from the Middle East and have witnessed the stories of the Middle East people’s changed lives.”

El-Mounayer said this kind of changed life happens when people are exposed to the gospel through media or other means. “Where there is violence, there are still churches that pray,” she said. “Where there is suffering, people are not giving up their faith. Where there is oppression, there is the largest church in the world,” she said.

“Satellite technology is widespread in the Middle East and North Africa,” said El-Mounayer who is spreading biblical truth to people in the Middle East and beyond through SAT-7, which consists of four satellite channels. These channels play an important role in SAT-7’s mission. “Many families with little money or means still have TVs and satellite dishes, which give them access to Christian content,” she explained.

“Satellite channels are an essential tool for discovering the gospel, especially for those who are illiterate and cannot read websites or newspapers,” she said.

El-Mounayer said it is not uncommon to hear stories from people who became Christians because of the SAT-7 program. She quoted a statement from a woman in Tehran, Iran, “I became a Christian through the SAT-7 program. I don’t have a church and I don’t know any other believers in Tehran, but SAT-7 has become my church at home,” she said. “When people pray on the screen, I pray together and when they worship, I worship together.”

El-Mounayer shared a message from one Iranian woman who greatly appreciated El-Mounayer and her Sat-7 mission by saying “I hope to meet you in person someday, and when I meet you, I’ll bow and wash your feet and I’ll thank you for everything you are doing for believers who are isolated like me.”

El-Mounayer said stories like these bring awesome feelings and inspire her as they reveal the ‘work of the Holy Spirit’ around the world. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper)

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:13-15)

God, thank You for the work of the Christian satellite SAT-7, sharing the gospel of hope with the souls of the Middle East and North Africa who are stricken by terrorism, violence, and social instability.   May You establish Your Church through those who call upon Your name and let them preach the gospel to the people around them who are in the darkness and worshipping idols. Please remove all regulations that prevent the spread of beautiful news and let each person who hears and believes in the truth trust in the power of the words that have changed them and pray for nations.

Prayer 24·365

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