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[Eng. Prayer] Spain: Spain, Number of Evangelical Christians Continues to Increase… Big Influx from South America

▲ 출처: Karabo_Spain 사진 캡처

“The gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the world.”

An update from the Observatory of Religious Pluralism in Spain has shone a light on the changing face of religious belief in the European nation, revealing some of the challenges and opportunities facing Christians in the traditionally Catholic country.

According to the British Christian Today (CT), the Observatory of Religious Pluralism in Spain is an online resource aimed at providing information about religious diversity in Spain and ensuring a just application of the Spanish constitutional and legal framework that guarantees all individuals the right to practice their religion freely.

The latest release of data collected across a municipal level has revealed that while Catholicism continues to be the dominant Christian expression, with three-quarters of the places of worship recorded in the report belonging to that tradition, Evangelical Christianity has continued to grow over the last two decades.

Of the almost 31,000 places of worship places across the nation, the vast majority were either Catholic or Evangelical, with 22,947 and 4,259 churches respectively, with Muslims following in third with 1,749.

The number of Evangelical churches has shown a significant increase since 2011, when there were only 2,944. The growth in the number of Evangelical Christians has been driven by an influx of believers from Latin America. 

The 2019 report from Evangelical Focus Europe pointed to their numbers being concentrated in urban centres, with only Madrid (420), Barcelona (220) and Valencia (112) having over 100 Evangelical churches. This leaves over 90% of towns and villages across Spain without an Evangelical place of worship.

“Along with finding a way to reach the almost 10 million Spaniards in these rural areas, perhaps the greatest challenge facing the Church in Spain is arresting the decline in Christian belief.”, CT said. 

According to the data from the Observatory of Religious Pluralism in Spain as of 2012, 13% of the population identify as either atheist or agnostic, with almost another fifth of the country identifying as “non-believers”. However, despite falling from 84.7% in 2021, Roman Catholicism still makes up the vast majority of Spanish people, with over 60% of the population still identifying with the country’s traditional faith. (Source: Christian Daily Comprehensive).

In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world—just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace. (Colossians 1:6)

God, we thank You for the steady growth of the evangelical church in Spain, a traditionally Catholic country, and we pray that more Spanish will come to Jesus Christ. May You bless the Spanish church and continue to grow in the knowledge and the truth in Christ Jesus so that each believer becomes spiritually solid and bears much fruit. May the believers have a passion for evangelism so that the gospel will be proclaimed and churches will be established in rural areas that people will worship and praise You from every corner of Spain.

Prayer 24·365

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