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[Eng. Prayer] Central Asia: A Central Asian Church‘s Summer Retreat Discovered and Arrested …and Fined

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“We are perplexed, but not in despair, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed.”

A church in Central Asia held a summer retreat, but it was discovered by local security agencies, and the person responsible was arrested and fined. Children were also interrogated. According to Open Door Mission, just before the end of a children’s summer retreat in Central Asia, local security agencies came to the campsite for investigation after hearing reports of sharing the gospel with children and teenagers.

During the investigation, some children were taken to the police station for questioning and held for several hours. They were pressured and threatened, and teachers were not allowed to be with them when the children were interrogated. In response, Open Door explained that simply interrogating children in the absence of their parents or responsible adults is a strong violation of state law.

The retreat overall team leader, Hakim (pseudonym), was also detained and his cell phone was confiscated. He was threatened with severe criminal punishment for “preaching” to children. Hakim was interrogated very harshly from morning to evening for over ten days.

They wanted to crush Hakim, shake his faith, and obtain as much information as possible. Security officials threatened him, saying, “We even imprisoned a Muslim Imam for several years. Do you think we can’t do the same to you?”

However, Hakim did not lose faith despite the trials and trusted in the Lord, and his faith helped him endure the difficult times. By the grace of God, Hakim was able to avoid criminal punishment. But he had to pay a hefty fine.

Hakim appeared unwell and down after being released. He also worried about his family, including his wife and six children, who were very anxious about his arrest. Tension and stress put heavy burden on the health of Hakim’s wife, Amina (pseudonym). She was taken to the hospital a few days ago due to severe pain in her heart. Although the critical situation has passed, treatment is needed. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive)

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. (2 Corinthians 4:8-10)

God, we declare that the church in Central Asia will never be crushed even from the persecution from all directions because the life of Jesus Christ is in them.  May the seeds of the gospel planted in the next generation through the retreat take deep root through Your love and grace.   May they be firmly established as the Church of Jesus. May Your special comfort be upon Hakim and his family, restore their health and provide for their needs. May they continuously walk the path of the cross by carrying Jesus’ death on their bodies and be victorious until the end.

Prayer 24·365

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