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[Eng. Prayer] Afghanistan: Aid arrived in Earthquake Hit Afghanistan, But Very Short…Rescue Work Carried Out Using Shovels and Pickaxes

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 연합뉴스TV 영상 캡처

“LORD, do not be far from me, my strength, come quickly to help me.”

Turkiye aid has arrived in the northwestern province of Herat in Afghanistan, where a series of 6.3-magnitude earthquakes have killed more than 4,000 people. Afghan state-run Baktar News Agency reported on the 11th that Türkiye’s first aid arrived in the earthquake-hit area on the 10th.

Relief supplies, consisting of tents, blankets, and medicine were airlifted to the affected area by Turkish aircraft. Twenty-seven rescue workers also arrived in the affected area through the aircraft and began their rescue activities.

Kazakhstan also sent 1,600 tons of relief goods to Afghanistan in 13 items, including tents, medicines, food, and clothing, according to Russia’s state-run Sputnik news agency. Kazakhstan’s emergency ministry said in a statement that medicine and tents were sent on military planes and that they would arrive in the earthquake-hit areas during the day. The rest of the items were sent by train, it added.

The European Union (EU) and the World Health Organization (WHO) also announced that they would provide cash, food, and medical supplies. In the local area, some point out that relief supplies should arrive more quickly as earthquake survivors are struggling, with temperatures falling sharply at night, as winter is only a month away. 

Meanwhile, rescue efforts continued on the fifth day after the magnitude 6.3 earthquake that occurred on the 7th. The Afghan Ministry of Disaster Management said that currently 35 rescue teams with about 1,000 people, from local and abroad, working at the site of the earthquake, according to the foreign media. Due to a lack of infrastructure and equipment, shovels and pickaxes are also reportedly mobilized for rescue operations.

The Taliban said there were 2,400 deaths related to the earthquake on the 7th, and Afghan online news agency Kamapress quoted an Afghan government official as saying that thousands of homes were destroyed, and that the death toll could have exceeded 4,000. The dead were said to be children and women who could not leave their homes at the time of the earthquake. (Source: Yonhap News Comprehensive).

But you, LORD, do not be far from me. You are my strength; come quickly to help me. For he has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help. (Psalms 22:19,24)

Dear God, may You help Afghanistan, which is struggling with rescue efforts due to a lack of infrastructure, and grant grace and mercy so that more lives can be preserved. We pray that the souls of this land seek Your face and call Your name, so that they may encounter the Lord who saves them and who does not despise or scorn the suffering of the afflicted. We sincerely pray that the rescue teams supported by each country will be able to show the power of unity and that the news of salvation will be heard by the troubled by setting up channels of the gospel everywhere.

Prayer 24·365

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