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[Eng. Prayer] Europe: Billie Graham Evangelism Association to hold large-scale evangelism rally in Europe in 2025

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel”

The Billy Graham Evangelical Association (BGEA) will invite Christian leaders from European countries to hold a large-scale evangelism rally in Germany in 2025.

According to Britain’s Christian Today (CT), BEGA will hold “The European Congress on Evangelism” in Berlin, the capital of Germany, from May 27 to 30, 2025. About 1,000 Christian leaders from all countries and regions in Europe are expected to attend.

This evangelism rally has meaning in continuing large-scale rallies centred on evangelism held in Europe, including the first World Gospel Evangelism Rally in Berlin in 1966, the 1974 Lausanne Conference, and three strategic conferences in Amsterdam in 1983, 1986 and 2000.

BEGA said, “The lecturers have not yet been confirmed, but the theme will be centred on Roman 1:16 that encourages believers not to be ashamed of the gospel,” and explained, “Attendance at the event is limited to those who have European citizenship and ministry work in Europe.”

“I hope that church leaders will pledge a new commitment to ‘bold and biblical evangelism’ at the 2025 Berlin General Assembly,” he said.

“In difficult times, Christians and churches should join hands to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ again throughout Europe,” said Ulrich Parzany, an evangelist who spoke at the Amsterdam 2000 meeting 23 years ago.

“I am looking forward to the upcoming European Conference on Evangelism. I believe this will spark passion and a new commitment to evangelism,” he said.

“The Church of Europe needs to stand up with a new conviction,” said Dr. Hugh Osgood, president of the Church in Communities International, based in the UK. “The Evangelical European Conference will provide the power and confidence of the gospel to make this possible.” “Let’s put our priority o this opportunity together to expand the kingdom of God.” (Source: Daily Good News).

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel (Ephesians 6:18-19)

God, let the message of the gospel be clearly proclaimed in the European church through a large evangelical rally in Germany so that the passion of evangelism burns in the people gathered. In addition, may the Holy Spirit work in the hearts of people so that the gospel of the Lord can be preached to all the nations across Europe, and that the church can unite and put their hearts together unconditionally in glorifying God. Thus, let the souls who were swept away by the world’s trends, such as secularization and homosexuality, realize the secret of the gospel and boldly convey the secret of the gospel that saved them.

Prayer 24·365

2023 기도24·365완주감사예배 안내 바로가기

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