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[Eng. Prayer] Tuvalu: ‘Sinking island nation’ Tuvalu, Australia agrees to accept 280 climate refugees every year

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 ABC News (Australia) 영상 캡처

“Since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful.”

Australia has decided to accept 280 Tuvalu citizens as climate refugees every year for the South Pacific island nation of Tuvalu, which is slowly being submerged due to the climate crisis.

According to Australia’s AAP news agency on the 10th (local time), Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who is attending the Pacific Islands Forum held in the Cook Islands in the South Pacific, held a summit meeting with Tuvalu Prime Minister Kaucea Natano and agreed to grant special visas for 280 Tuvaluans every year. This is equivalent to 2.5% of Tuvalu’s population of 11,200 people.

Additionally, a security agreement was signed under which Australia would defend Tuvalu in the event of a foreign invasion or natural disaster, and the two countries agreed to consult if they wished to sign a security or defence agreement with a third country. This is to check China’s expansion of influence in the South Pacific region, and Tuvalu is one of 13 countries around the world that have official diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

“We believe that the people of Tuvalu deserve the option to live, study and work elsewhere as the impacts of climate change worsen,” said Prime Minister Albanese. “It reflects the special situation of the low-lying country of Tuvalu,” he said.

“This is without doubt the most important agreement between Australia and a Pacific island nation,” he said. “The Australia-Tuvalu Falepili Alliance formalizes that Australia is Tuvalu’s partner of choice and we consider this a great honour.” Falepili means good neighbour, consideration and mutual respect in Tuvaluan. 

“I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our Australian friends for their unwavering commitment,” Prime Minister Natano said. “This partnership is a beacon of hope and represents a huge step forward to ensure regional stability, sustainability and prosperity,” he stated.

Tuvalu, an archipelago country east of the Solomon Islands and north of Fiji, consists of six atolls and three islands. The islands are all below 5m above sea level, but this is decreasing every year as the water rises. Because of this reason, many people have already moved to Australia and New Zealand for jobs and education, and Tuvalu uses the Australian dollar as its official currency. (Source: Yonhap News).

The words “once more” indicate the removal of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and worship God acceptably with reverence and awe. (Hebrews12:27-28)

God, may You help the people of the sinking island nation of Tuvalu to shift their hope for things that are of the unwavering, eternal kingdom of God. Also, please be with them in the difficulties and burdens they will face as they immigrate to Australia and grant them the joy of those who rely on You. May they be established as witnesses and channels of blessings who spread and show the reality of God’s kingdom to Australians through their lives.

Prayer 24·365

2023 기도24·365완주감사예배 안내 바로가기

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