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[Eng. Prayer] Finlad: Finnish lawmaker accused of expressing ‘Biblical view on sex’ acquitted after 4 years

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 GBNews 영상 캡처

“Everyone born of God overcomes the world.”

A Finnish Christian politician accused of expressing religious beliefs about marriage and sex has been acquitted after a four-year legal battle. According to the American Christian Post, Päivi Räsänen, Finland’s former interior minister and former chairman of the Christian Democratic Party, was indicted after expressing biblical views on marriage in tweets and a debate on the radio in 2019, and a pamphlet in 2004.

Räsänen was accused of ‘hate speech’ after posting a Bible verse on her SNS that homosexuality was a ‘sin’ when she heard that the Evangelical Lutheran Church was participating in an LGBT event. Finnish prosecutors argued that the act was ‘derogatory and discriminatory.’

In 2022, the Helsinki District Court unanimously acquitted her of ‘hate speech’, saying, “It is not the court’s role to interpret biblical concepts.” However, when Finnish prosecutors appealed the lower court’s ruling, Räsänen had to go to trial again.   

On the 14th (local time), the Helsinki Court of Appeal found her not guilty again. The court said, “Based on the evidence received at this hearing, there is no reason to evaluate the case differently from the district court in any respect. Therefore, there is no need to change the final outcome of the district court ruling.”

“Today we applaud the necessary and common sense decision of the Helsinki Court of Appeal that unanimously acquitted,” said Paul Coleman, Räsänen; lawyer, an executive director of the law firm Alliance Defending Freedom International.

He said, “The fact that the lawsuit over freedom of expression dragged on for more than four years and was tried twice is an outrageous abuse of process and weaponisation of the law to punish peaceful expression. Whether it is the government or an organisation, they are showing an increasingly hostile attitude toward sharing one’s religious faith openly,” he expressed his concern.

He added, “Fortunately, justice has triumphed again. This incident shows that we can win. There is still hope. Räsänen’s victory is proof that she pursued victory with courageous decisions.” (Source: Daily Good News Comprehensive). 

In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome,  for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. (1 John 5:3-4)

God, upon hearing the news that Räsänen was unanimously acquitted, we praise and thank You for giving victory to those who love and keep Your commandments. May You receive all the glory through the unwavering action of faith of Your witnesses. May the whole world know and revere You through this faithful testimony.  May many Christians who hear this news be bold and proclaim the Word of the Truth to the world that rejects and oppresses Your commands.

Prayer 24·365

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