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[Eng. Prayer] Egypt: Egypt holds the largest word rally in history

▲ 출처: 유튜브 채널 Leading The Way 영상 캡처

“May your work revive in our day.”

Michael Youssef, a Georgia-based pastor and broadcaster, preached the gospel to more than 17,500 people at a rally in Egypt, his native. Christian Index reported that more than 7,850 people came to faith in Christ through this rally, which was held amid threats from the ongoing war in neighbouring Israel.

‘Leading the Way in Egypt’, attended by 17,715 people, was the largest Christian event in Egyptian history. More than 17,500 people came from Cairo and surrounding villages to attend the event.

Youssef, a familiar figure to American Christians, said, “People in Egypt and throughout the Middle East are living a time of uncertainty and fear as they watch the war between their neighbour Israel and Hamas. “With threats of potential escalation of war, many are asking why this is happening and will peace ever be possible in this region of the world,” he said.

In a press, Youssef said “We were hearing from a lot of people that we should cancel this event, that it was too dangerous to host a Christian event in the Middle East right now. But our God is bigger than that. It was clear that He was calling us to Egypt and that the timing was perfect for us to bring a message of hope to people who desperately needed to hear it.”

Youssef said “The only true peace can be found in Jesus.” The gospel message deeply touched many people, and more than 7,850 people responded to the invitation to believe in Jesus Christ. More than 2,700 children were also included among them, according to the Christian Index.

Youssef is the founding pastor of The Church of The Apostles in Atlanta which has 3000 congregations. He is also the founder of Leading the Way Ministries, which uses radio and television programs to broadcast Christ’s message of hope to people on six continents and in 28 languages. 

The Egypt event was one of a series of evangelistic celebrations Youssef began hosting this year in cities around the world, working in partnership with local churches. Youssef has hosted similar events in Dublin and Belfast, Ireland, and is planning events next year in Veracruz, Mexico, and the northeastern U.S. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive).

Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy. (Habakkuk 3:2)

God, we thank You for allowing the largest Word gathering in history in Egypt despite various concerns and we acknowledge the gospel of the cross is most needed in the Middle East and Egypt, where fear and anxiety of war are growing. May You show mercy to souls who ask for the way amidst countless conflicts and sufferings and help them to find the path to salvation and truth through Christ. May You also further Your Kingdom in Mexico and the United States through the planned evangelical gathering next year.

Prayer 24·365

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