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[Eng. Prayer] World: The movie ‘Jesus’ That is Being Used as a Vehicle of the Salvation of 500 Million People Has Been Translated into 2,100 Language

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world and then the end will come.”

The 2,100th language translation of the Christian movie ‘Jesus’ will be released. According to the American Christian Post (CP), ‘Jesus’, which was first released in English in 1979, has been translated into many languages around the world. It was recently translated into ‘Huaorani’, the language used by about 3,000 indigenous people of Amazon Ecuador and is scheduled to be released next year.

“Our role is to reach people around the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ,” Josh Newell, executive director of the Jesus Film Project, CCC International’s cultural ministry, told CP. “This translation into Huaorani is especially noteworthy considering the history of Christianity,” he said.

He said, “In 1956, five American missionaries who went to preach the gospel to the Huaorani tribe, including Jim Elliott, Nate Saint, Ed McCulley, Roger Youderian, and Pete Fleming, were martyred,” and “At the time, the relationship between indigenous groups and Christianity was very unstable. However, we have been engaging with key leaders within the Huaorani community through our collaboration with the Christian organization ITEC.”

He continued, “The reality of releasing the Jesus film there is the result of the incredible effort and dedication of many people,” and added, “I pray and hope that the lives of many people within the Huaorani tribe will be changed through this film.”

The news of their martyrdom was widely talked about and became the subject of several movies, including ‘End of The Spear’ and ‘Beyond the Gates of Splendor.’ These films not only focus on martyrdom but also how the martyred missionary’s family inspired many Huaorani to convert to Christianity while living with the tribe that murdered their husband and father.

The movie ‘Jesus’, based on the Gospel of Luke, tells the story of Jesus from his birth and childhood to his public ministry, death on the cross, and resurrection and ascension.

According to the Jesus Film Project website, the number of people who accepted Jesus Christ as their saviour after watching the movie is officially estimated at 490 million. This film is still recorded as the film translated into the most number of languages in the world. (Source: Christianity Today)

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14)

God, we give thanks to You for the good news that the movie ‘Jesus’, which has led many unreached people groups to the Lord, is about to be released in the indigenous language of Ecuador. Please allow the name of Jesus to be spread among the Huaorani tribe once again through the film, and please make the history of the blood of martyrs sprinkled on the land continue to bear fruit even as time passes. Please be with those who look forward to the day of Your return and do their best to spread the gospel to all nations, and give them the grace to greet You with joy at the end of all times.

Prayer 24·365

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