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[Eng. Prayer] USA: America is in a Worldview War… The Founding Creed Must Be Taught to Young People

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Establish the testimonies of the Lord and establish laws to make known to my children.”

U.S. Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson (51) said, “America is waging a worldview war,” and emphasized, “We must convey America’s founding principles to the younger generation.”

The National Association of Christian Lawmakers (LACL) held its annual meeting and awards ceremony on the 5th (local time) under the theme of ‘Save the Nation’ and a variety of issues such as abortion, sex, and revival of faith in the United States were dealt.

Johnson, a devout Baptist, who was elected speaker of the House earlier this year, gave the keynote address. In his speech.   “America is facing the ‘greatest challenges’ since World War II and the Civil War, with competing worldviews between the political left and right. Despite these difficulties, let us continue to trust in God,” he addressed.

He continued, “Our hope is in Jehovah. Our hope and trust are in God. This is the motto of our country, and it is more than just a slogan. This is our identity and the very thing that makes the difference as a nation,” he emphasized.

He quoted British philosopher G.K. Chesterton, who left a guestbook note during his visit to the United States in 1921 saying, “The only nation in the world founded on a creed,” and he said, “This creed declares, ‘All men are created equal.’” “Also, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, We have been given unalienable rights by God, including the right to life, freedom, and the right to pursue happiness,” he said.

“We are the only nation in the world founded on that premise,” he said. “When the United States was founded, we recognized that these rights come from God, not from the government. And those rights must be protected ‘in our blood,’” he said.

He also said, “We do not want division. We want unity. I believe that the best days will come if we lead people to truth and light, and help them to turn to God,” he said. (Source: Christian Today Comprehensive)

He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our ancestors to teach their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deed but would keep his commands.   They would not be like their ancestors—    a stubborn and rebellious generation, whose hearts were not loyal to God, whose spirits were not faithful to him. (Psalms78:5, 7-8)

God, we thank You for allowing the Christian members of the American National Assembly to proclaim You as the foundation of the nation for the next generation in this land where political divisions and worldview wars are fierce. May Your church rise to proclaim that keeping Your laws and commands is the way to life for the generation that has forgotten the grace that You have bestowed on America and has taken the rebellious path of humanism, Please help the youth of America come to the gospel of the cross, turn away from their stubbornness against the truth, then become a generation loyal to You, and become witnesses who spread the light of Christ to the whole world.

Prayer 24·365

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