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[Eng. Prayer] Algeria: Algerian church continues perseverance and revival amid persecutions

▲ 출처: Unsplash의Samuel Martins 사진 캡처

“Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”

Christians in Algeria can practice their faith, but it’s not that easy. According to recent Mission Network News, churches in Algeria have been facing forced closure and opposition from the government since 2019. Moreover, non-Muslims evangelizing Muslims is prohibited by the Algerian constitution.

“Underground churches and ministries are growing, and God is opening many doors through the persecution that is part of our faith,” Karim Arezki, a professor of comparative religions in North African Christian communities, said in a recent conversation with Voice of the Martyrs Canada. “But the leaders and believers of our Christian community are exhausted by this situation,” he said. Currently, Algeria has only a few churches throughout the country, so many believers are meeting online or underground.

Professor Arezki said, “In the 1970s, more Algerians accepted the Lord. But it wasn’t easy. From 1982 to 1999, Christianity grew, and people of all generations, young and old, men and women, accepted the Lord. A revival occurred in the Kabylie area. Underground churches appeared in every village, and they were growing even in Arab areas,” he said.

He said, “The revival of Christianity in Algeria began in 1990 with a new generation of believers. They had to pay the price. Some of them have achieved good positions in society, including in the government. However, as it became known that there were many Christians, persecution began.”

Professor Arezki said Christians lost their jobs and faced verbal and physical abuse when it became known that they believed in Christ. For Algerian believers who are under pressure not only from their families and society but also from the government, he requested special prayers for Muslims so that they would become curious about Christianity and turn to Christ.

He added, “Persecution does not stop our faith. We’ve been arrested and we don’t know what will happen next. Many churches have closed and few are open. However, even in this situation, there are underground churches that continue to practice their faith.” (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive)

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. (Romans 5:3-5)

God, please pour hope and love into the hearts of the Algerian believers who are exhausted from the persecution and tribulations they face for being Christians. May You strengthen their faith so that they may overcome the pressure and the persecution from the Islamic government. And help them to bear fruit of faith with perseverance through trusting You, living God, who is working at their side.   We pray for the mission revival amongst Muslims and non-believers through the Algerian church that is bound by Your love.

Prayer 24·365

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