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[Eng. Prayer] UK: Doctors in Scotland Raised Concerns on Legalization of Assisted Suicide

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 MBCNEWS 영상 캡처

“Do not turn away after useless idols but consider what great things God has done for you.”

Doctors in Scotland are speaking out against assisted suicide as the Scottish Parliament prepares to consider legislation of the law that has been brought forward by MSP Liam McArthur. According to the British Christian Today (CT), Dr Calvin Lightbody, a Scottish A&E consultant, expressed concern, saying, “We need to be more honest about the reality of assisted suicide.”

“I think we have to spell out the truth that not everyone opting for assisted dying slips away quietly,” he said.  “Around 10 per cent will suffer seizures, vomiting, prolonged dying or other complications in the process.” He expressed concerns about a lack of opt-out provision for doctors who cannot provide assisted suicide on grounds of conscience,

Respiratory physician Dr Robin Taylor, who is based in Scotland, said “I have been asked eight to 10 times by patients to end their lives after diagnosing a terminal illness,” he said. “But the Hippocratic oath of more than 2,400 years old still stands. It obliges me neither to kill my patients nor even discuss killing them.“

“If we open the door to assisted suicide, it will profoundly affect the NHS,” he said. “After initial laws designed to allow assisted dying in mentally ill patients were passed in Canada, legislators are now being asked to reconsider. That’s an example of how this legislation has huge consequences,” he said. “This included a teenager aged 19, who was granted it because of anorexia nervosa.” 

Previously, the Care Not Killing Coalition, an anti-abortion group that includes many religious organizations such as the Catholic Church, Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF), Scottish Care, Christian Behavior Research and Education, the Christian Institute (CI), and the Evangelical Alliance UK (EA), is strongly opposed to the Scottish Parliament’s move to legalize assisted suicide.

The Association of Anti-Abortion Organizations said, “If suicide or euthanasia is legalized, there will be a great deal of pressure on people to ‘end their lives’ in economically difficult times like this.” The Scottish Catholic Bishops’ Conference also pointed out that “the legal provision for assisted suicide is likely to expand over time.”

“Once passed, gradual extending is inevitable and the process of removing protection and protective measures as well. This has happened in all countries where the law was passed. Intentionally causing the death of a patient is abandoning one’s mission as a doctor,” he said. “Congress should introduce a law to prevent suicide.” (Source: Christian Today).

Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can they rescue you, because they are useless. But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you. (1 Samuel 12:21,24)

God, thank You for awakening the conscience of doctors to warn Scotland of the danger of assisted suicide and speak out against it being legislated at a time when people are confused between right and wrong. May You prevent the legalization of assisted suicide and give people the grace to look to the Lord’s kingdom of true rest and joy so that they do not consider assisted suicide as the answer to pain and follow the futile things that cannot save. Let the church of Your body serve with prayer with all their hearts until the cost of the great salvation You have done for one life can be heard by all.

Prayer 24·365

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