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[Sierra Leone] Sierra Leone declares national emergency on human bones contained drug…Presidential anti-drug directive

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 Firstpost 영상 캡처

“I have waited for you, O LORD; my God will answer me.”

The BBC reported on the 5th (local time) that Sierra Leone in Africa was driven to a crisis of national existence due to drugs containing human bones. According to reports, ‘Kush’, a highly addictive drug containing human bones, has spread rapidly in Sierra Leone in recent years, and the number of deaths from it is on the rise.

Kush is known to contain fentanyl, tramadol, and formalin, which is used to embalm corpses and is also said to contain human bones. The reason for adding human bones is not known. Kush addicts began digging up human bones in cemeteries to manufacture the drug, and security at cemeteries was strengthened to prevent this, the BBC reported.

Kweku Risk, deputy mayor of the capital Freetown, said he had asked the police to protect the cemetery to crack down on gravediggers. Currently, police are stationed at a cemetery in eastern Freetown at night. On the streets of Sierra Leone, it is common to see young men sitting with their limbs swollen due to kush poisoning, the BBC reported.

“I hate doing drugs, but I can’t quit because it’ gives pleasure,” said an addict receiving treatment with his ankle in a cast. There is no official death toll from kush, but one doctor told the BBC that hundreds of young men have died from organ failure due to the swelling of organs in recent months in the capital Freetown alone.

The Sierra Leone Psychiatric Hospital said that between 2020 and 2023, the number of patients hospitalised from Kush use increased by about 4,000%, reaching 1,865. Sierra Leone President Julius Mada Bio called Kush, a psychoactive drug containing human bones, a “death trap” and expressed concern about “the destructive consequences of kush on our country’s very foundation: our young people”.

President Bio said that the number of deaths due to Kush is on the rise and ordered the formation of a national organisation to fight the Kush crisis. President Bio also added that drug rehabilitation centres will be established in every region and that the centres will be staffed with trained experts. (Source: Yonhap News Agency)

My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear. I am feeble and utterly crushed; I groan in anguish of heart. Lord, I wait for you; you will answer, Lord my God. ( Psalms 38:4, 8, 15)

God, please have mercy on Sierra Leone, which has suffered a lot from civil war, Ebola, and extreme poverty, and is in an even more miserable crisis due to the rapid increase in drug addicts. Please help those who are addicted to drugs containing human bones and have reached the point of digging graves and stealing human bones to manufacture more destructive drugs to find the meaning of life in You. May You give wisdom to the president and the government officials of Sierra Leone that they will cry out for Your help and find the best and complete solution to resolve the current problems.

Prayer 24·365

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