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[China] New Church Hymns Praise the Communist Party and Government

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“God says, ‘I will never fail to have someone stand before me.’”

According to Voice of the Martyrs Korea (VOM Korea), the new hymnal published in Liaoning Province may give some glimpse of the future of church music in China. VOM Korea Representative Dr Hyun Sook Foley says that the hymnal has a collection of 50 songs and poems with titles like “Bless the Motherland,” “The Joy of Our Nation,” “Promoting Sinicization of Christianity,” and “The Beauty of the Four Prongs Strategy”, which praises the Chinese flag, constitution, Communism, and traditional Chinese culture.  

Representative Foley says the new hymnal reflects the Communist Party’s ongoing efforts to “Sinicize” Christianity. “Traditional Christian hymns contain the words and theology of the Bible and praise God, but the hymns and poems in this collection contain political slogans and praise the Communist party and the country,” says Representative Foley. 

She says the hymnal still retains some lyrics based on Christian beliefs but blends these with the core socialist and traditional Chinese values that the Communist Party is now requiring churches to promote. These songs emphasise the ideology of unity and progress, peace and tolerance,” she said.

The hymnal is the work of Rev. Hou Yujie, the chairman and president of the official Liaoning Provincial Christian Council and the Three-Self Patriotic Movement Committee in Yingkou, Liaoning Province. Representative Foley says the new hymnal’s publication comes at a time when the Communist Party is increasingly banning traditional Christian hymnals. 

She says that Chinese officials have set up ‘cultural activity centres’ in the government-registered “Three-self churches, where visitors watch operas and learn calligraphy, painting, and photography.  

“Rather than shutting churches down, the Communist Party is trying to find ways to shut Christ out of churches or to move him to the margins of their activity so that promoting Communist values is the main focus,” says Representative Foley. 

She says projects like the new Liaoning Province hymnal should remind churches around the world of the importance of praying for and partnering with China’s house church Christians.  

“In China, it is the family church where Christ and not Communism is still proclaimed and celebrated. Within a generation, house church Christians will likely be the only ones in China who still know the hymns and worship songs fundamental to our faith. And many house church Christians will likely be singing those songs in prison, as they pay the high price for keeping the true faith alive in China.” concerned Foley. (Source: Christian Today Comprehensive)

Then Jeremiah said to the family of the Rekabites, “This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: ‘You have obeyed the command of your forefather Jehonadab and have followed all his instructions and have done everything he ordered.’ Therefore this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: ‘Jehonadab son of Rekab will never fail to have a descendant to serve me.’”( Jeremiah 35:18-19)

God, please rebuke the Chinese government which not only persecutes Christians but also changes the lyrics of worship songs to destroy the faith of believers or tarnish the value and role of the church through cultural activities. We declare by faith that God’s covenant people will not be crushed through persecution, and nothing can separate them from Your love. Lord! May You help the faith of the Chinese Church so that they may keep Your word like their own life and fulfil Your promise that they will not be cut off forever and let the name of Jesus the LORD be even more spread in this land.

Prayer 24·365

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