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[USA] Jack Phillips Who Refused Making Same-Sex Wedding Cake… Facing the Third Lawsuit

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 Alliance Defending Freedom 영상 캡처

“The Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy.”

The Washington Stand reported that Jack Phillips recently faced his third court case after he had been through court cases for 12 years for refusing to make a cake for celebrating a same-sex wedding because of his Christian beliefs. The first lawsuit began in 2012 and ended in 2018 with the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in favour of Phillips by a vote of 7 to 2.

But just a few weeks later, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission (CCRC) filed another lawsuit after Phillips “refused to make a custom cake celebrating and symbolising so-called ‘gender transition.” But the charge was dismissed after lawyers of The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed a federal lawsuit.

However, a third lawsuit began when the person who requested the gender reassignment cake filed a lawsuit directly against Phillips. The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which has defended Phillips, said that despite the prolonged situation, “Jack will not back down.”

“One thing that has become clear throughout Jack’s legal trial is that, to some people, politely disagreeing on important issues is not enough,” and “Jack losing a big part of his business since Colorado first targeted Jack is not enough,” the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) said.

“Jack and his family’s enduring years of harassment and even death threats wasn’t enough. To some, that will be the case until Masterpiece Cake Shop closes. They want quiet and earnest Jack to pay a dear price for trying to express a message based on his beliefs.”

Though the final ruling has not yet been made on last week’s oral arguments, Phillips and Jake Warner, senior counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom, during arguments “before the Colorado Supreme Court” emphasised that “free speech is for everyone.” “Governments should not force people like Jack to express messages they do not believe in,” they said.

Attorney Warner said, “Jack’s win will be everyone’s win. This would ensure that Colorado officials cannot misuse state law to punish those who have different opinions. If this case is not resolved correctly, we will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.”  (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive).

Do not grant the wicked their desires, Lord; do not let their plans succeed. I know that the Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy. Surely the righteous will praise your name, and the upright will live in your presence. (Psalms 140:8,12-13)

God, we pray in support of Jack Phillips and his family, who have not backed down and are professing their faith in following Christ despite the court case that has lasted for 12 years. May You grace them with firm belief in the face of continued challenges and attacks, so they may boldly proclaim the name of the Lord who upholds the cause of the needy and secures justice for the poor. May You summon Your churches to rise, pray and fight together. Please do not let the evil plans of those who oppose You win the case and let the light of the gospel shine on this land and speed the day when Your truth triumphs.

Prayer 24·365

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