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[Iraq] The Public Backlash Opposing the Amendment Legalising Marriage of Girls from the Age of 9

▲ 출처: 유튜브 채널 The Daily Insight 영상 캡처

“Do not obey your body’s evil desires, but rather offer yourself to God as an instrument of righteousness.”

The U.S. Newsmax reported on the 8th (local time) that the Iraqi parliament has proposed a Personal Status Law Amendment that legalises child marriage and deprives women of their major rights. On the 8th, at least seven states across Iraq planned protests opposing the amendment.

Currently, Iraqi law stipulates that both men and women must be 18 years of age or older to be married and protects the marriage of widows and interfaith. However, the proposed amendment could significantly change this protection as it legalises child marriage and grants full custody to fathers in divorce proceedings.

In particular, the amendment allows to follow Shi’ite Islamist law Ja’fari and this law permits girls to marry at the age of 9 and boys at the age of 15. This law also includes a provision for “pleasure marriages,” which are temporary marriages that can last for up to an hour. Critics argue that the amendment could be used to justify prostitution and sexual slavery.

The amendment also allows men to choose traditional Sunni or Shi’ite Islamic laws instead of Iraq’s existing civil law on issues such as marriage consent, alimony and child custody.

The Iraqi parliament began discussing the amendment on the 4th, raising considerable concern among human rights activists and citizens. Lawmakers are said to be under intense pressure from radical Shi’ite clerics and other influential figures in Islam to pass the bill.

A parliamentary source in the media said Shi’ite forces were exercising influence to pass the bill, adding, “They are now negotiating with us. If we don’t pass this law, no other bill will pass. They can pass this law because they have a majority. However, they need more votes.”

The proposed amendments face strong opposition from human rights activists and a coalition of more than 15 congresswomen. In a statement, the congresswomen said, “Our opposition is based on legal, religious, professional, and social observations, not on emotional issues or external motives, as some have claimed. It stems from our sincere concern to protect Iraqi families.”

Human Rights Watch highlights the prevalence of child marriage in Iraq, noting that despite current law, the government has made little effort to enforce it. According to the United Nations Children’s Fund, 28 % of girls in Iraq are married before the age of 18. 22 % of unregistered marriages involve girls under the age of 14. (Source: Evangelical Prayer Newspaper)

Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness. (Romans 6:12-13)

God, please rebuke the Iraqi lawmakers for their shameful moves to satisfy the pleasure and greed of the body by proposing an amendment that legalises child marriage and allows temporary marriage. Please prevent the enactment of laws that try to justify their lust by hiding behind Islamic law as they trample on young souls and give them the grace to turn back from the dark path of chasing the body’s self-interest. Lord, praise You for the churches of Jesus Christ, which gave itself as the instrument of righteousness to fight together in prayer in the face of this spiritual warfare to restore Your righteousness in this land so that it may become new land revering You.

Prayer 24·365

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