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[South Korea] Top in the Vulnerability in Deepfake Pornography…”The Epicentre of Global Problems”

▲ 출처: Freepik의 wirestock

“Fallen is Babylon the Great which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries.”

In Korea, as authorities have recently cracked down on the spread of “deepfake sex crimes” that synthesise pornography on women’s faces and distribute, it is reported that more than half of the victims of deepfake sexual exploitation circulated around the world are Korean celebrities, according to an investigation by overseas security companies.

On the 28th (local time), according to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Security Hero, a U.S. cybersecurity company, said in a recent report titled “2023 Deepfake Status” that South Korea is the most vulnerable country to deepfake pornography.

The report analysed 95,820 videos posted on 10 Deepfake pornography sites and 85 Deepfake channels on video-sharing platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, and Daily Motion between July and August last year. As a result, 53% of individuals appearing in Deepfake pornography were found to be Koreans.

Among the victims of Deepfake, Americans accounted for the second largest portion at 20%, after Korea. Japan followed them with 10%, the U.K. with 6%, China with 3%, India with 2%, Taiwan with 2%, and Israel with 1 %. Most Deepfake Korean victims were singers, actors, and other entertainers.

“Korea is the most targeted country in Deepfake pornography,” the report said. “Deepfake is used for various purposes such as entertainment, politics, and false information manipulation, but some countries are more vulnerable to certain forms of Deepfake content, especially racy content.”

The hardest-hit Korean singer was featured in 1,595 Deepfake sexual exploitation cases, with a total of 5.61 million views. Another Korean singer was targeted with 1,238 sexual exploitation cases and received 3.865 million views. 99% of Deepfake pornography victims were women and 94% were working in entertainment industries.

It was found that 98% of the Deepfake videos analysed this time were pornography, and the number of Deepfake pornography surged 464% from 3,725 in 2022 to 21,19 in 2023. WSJ reported that the Korean government’s move to strengthen its crackdown on Deepfake pornography and that “the detection of Telegram-based networks that generate and distribute fake pornography suggests that Korea is the epicentre of global problems.”

The Guardian, a British daily news, said, “Korea, which has been working for a long time to eradicate hidden sexual videos, is also fighting a wave of Deepfake images.” The BBC also reported that “Korea is facing a crisis of Deepfake pornography,” adding, “The current status of the distribution of Deepfake sexual exploitation and President Yoon Suk Yeol’s directive to eradicate digital sex crimes at a Cabinet meeting on the 27th (Source: Yonhap News).

A second angel followed and said, “ ‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great,’ which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries.” This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus. (Revelations 14:8, 12)

God, would You rebuke Korea with Your truth for being insensitive to sin taking lightly of it, and its obscenities in an Internet environment where anonymity is guaranteed. we declare that Satan’s scheme has already been defeated on the cross though Satan is trying to topple Korea, which faces the challenges of the sexual revolution and churches trying to stop it. First, let the Korean Church realise our sin of losing our holiness and repent in our contrite spirit before the Lord. In the end time, let the church keep God’s commandments and faith in Jesus so that holiness is restored to the people of this land and become a country in awe of the Lord.

Prayer 24·365

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