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[Switzerland] Rally Held for Persecuted Christians

출처: 영상 캡처

“Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward.”

Evangelical Focus reported on the 2nd that about 1,000 participants gathered at the “” rally at the Federal Parliament Square in Bern, Switzerland, on August 31, raising their voices to the reality of people being persecuted around the world because of their religion, especially Christians are being persecuted because of their faith.

Two speeches by victims of persecution urged people to act against human rights violations. Amin Afshar-Naderi, who converted to Christianity from Islam faith, talked about his experience of being imprisoned twice in Iran because of his Christian faith. He said, “I was put under pressure through repeated interrogations, insults, humiliation, and they tried to win me over to give up my faith and betray other Christians. I am confident that I would not have survived without Jesus Christ.”

Emphasising that his story is nothing unusual, he explained, “Christians in Iran live under constant pressure and fear. They lose their jobs or their properties because of their faith.”

The second speaker of Asian origin, who did not name or name a country for security reasons, also experienced imprisonment and torture several times. He also witnessed others being publicly executed. He said, “Christianity is perceived as a threat to national security, and all new laws are intended to eliminate Christians.”

The man, who now lives in Europe, said it has not yet been possible to eradicate Christian faith in his country. “This faith is what I have endured in the darkest prisons and sufferings,” he said. The two urged people living in Switzerland, the free country, to stand up for those around the world who are being persecuted because of their faith.

They proposed prayers, inviting the persecuted to local churches, putting political pressure on governments violating human rights, and supporting organisations dedicated to religious freedom. In particular, they urged media experts to use their platforms to address the issues.

Among the participants was National Assembly member Laurent Wehrli. He, along with several congressional colleagues, regularly receives information on the status of Christians in various countries and delivers his views to related embassies. “Of the 54 inmates we campaigned for, 24 were released early,” he said. Laurent Wehrli said this number may sound insignificant when considering 365 million persecuted Christians, but he is confident that “we need to speak up for them.” (Source: Gospel according to the newspaper)

Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:11-12)

God, thank You for giving the Christians of Switzerland hearts to pray in one heart for the persecuted churches and consider their pains. In the work of faith that God will accomplish, let churches around the world join in this prayer and strengthen the faith of the persecuted so that they may rejoice amid their sufferings. Let the life of the gospel flow through the witnesses of the churches of Jesus who keep their faith amid persecution and let the church You have established cherish the divine blessings more and boast only the cross.

Prayer 24·365

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